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16 Jun 2008, 12:56 pm
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Patrick J. [read post]
7 Feb 2024, 9:30 pm by ernst
James Patrick Callahan, a third-year student at the Boston College Law School, has just published his note, Antebellum Enigma: Justice Woodbury Davis, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, and the Antislavery Constitution, in the Boston College Law Review: In 1856, abolition activist Woodbury Davis joined the Maine Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) and quickly became its most radical member. [read post]
18 Jul 2020, 9:00 pm by Katharine Van Tassel
Aldana (UC Davis), Patrick Marius Koga (UC Davis), Stakeholder Perspectives Report: November 09, 2018 Focus Group Findings on Migrant Legal-Mental Health Intersectionality, U.C. [read post]
1 Feb 2018, 6:13 am by Edward Smith
Davis Frontage Road Safety Concerns I’m Ed Smith, a Davis personal injury lawyer. [read post]
2 Mar 2022, 7:01 am by Joel R. Brandes
Rptr., 2022 WL 501625 (9th Circuit, 2022) Petitioner-Appellant Patrick Daniel Kenny appealed from a district court order denying his petition to have his toddler son repatriated from the United States to the Republic of Ireland for custody proceedings against Respondent-Appellee Grace-Anne Davis. [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 4:07 am
Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) [official website], the Davis confirmation was delayed [press release] by Republicans for five months after the committee [read post]
29 Dec 2010, 11:30 am by JA Hodnicki
Federal Trade Commission and Patrick Romano, University of California, Davis Division of General Medicine provide A Retrospective Analysis of the Clinical Quality Effects of the Acquisition of Highland Park Hospital by... [read post]
18 May 2012, 5:54 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Patrick Metze (Texas Tech University School of Law) has posted Troy Davis, Lawrence Brewer, and Timothy Mcveigh Should Still Be Alive: Certainty, Innocence, and the High Cost of Death and Immorality (6 Charleston L. [read post]
29 Dec 2010, 11:30 am by JA Hodnicki
Federal Trade Commission and Patrick Romano, University of California, Davis Division of General Medicine provide A Retrospective Analysis of the Clinical Quality Effects of the Acquisition of Highland Park Hospital by... [read post]
8 Dec 2013, 4:00 am by Gerry W. Beyer
Patrick Davis, New York Times best selling author of The General and The Passenger describes the book as, “Another page-turning winner from... [read post]
27 Apr 2008, 12:54 am
Henry Alan Davis (Appellee) Douglas County District Court, Judge Patrick Mullen Attorneys: William G. [read post]
16 Dec 2008, 12:04 am
The Davis Polk team consisted of litigation partners Robert Fiske, Jr., John Cooney, Jr., Scott Muller, Angela Burgess, Paul Spagnoletti, and counsel Lynn Earl Busath, corporate finance and capital markets partner John Banes, and M&A partner Patrick Kenadjian and counsel Margaret Ayres. [read post]
19 Dec 2007, 8:13 pm
Richard Davis, a 35-year-old Ohio native, listened but did not make eye contact as each Caddo juror verbally confirmed his sentence. [read post]