Search for: "Penry v. Lynaugh" Results 41 - 54 of 54
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27 Feb 2015, 6:15 am by John Elwood
Lynaugh]”; (2) whether the state’s post-trial disclosure of evidence relating to ammunition used in the crime resulted in a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments under Brady v. [read post]
13 Mar 2015, 10:47 am by John Elwood
Lynaugh]”; (2) whether the state’s post-trial disclosure of evidence relating to ammunition used in the crime resulted in a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments under Brady v. [read post]
27 May 2010, 10:30 am by Erin Miller
Quarterman, for instance, Justice Stevens wrote for the Court, reaffirming the long line of cases following Penry v. [read post]
25 Feb 2010, 7:57 am by Steve Hall
The CCA's ruling in Ex Parte Hood, overturning Hood's Death Sentence, is in Adobe .pdf format. [read post]
27 Mar 2015, 9:55 am by John Elwood
Lynaugh]”; (2) whether the state’s post-trial disclosure of evidence relating to ammunition used in the crime resulted in a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments under Brady v. [read post]
18 Sep 2008, 8:56 pm
Issue: Whether, under Seminole Tribe v. [read post]