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2 Oct 2008, 6:00 am
And based on Pfizer's privilige log, the Peter Rost blog has the answer to who those lawyers were: Judith Tytel, Douglas Lankler, Allen Waxman, Jessica Benson, Carlton Wessel, Jaqueline Wolff, George Evans, Margaret Madden, Beth Levine, Ronald Green, Ethan Posner.Funny thing is, Jeff Kindler was General Counsel at the time, so these are all his legal people but he is not copied anywhere on the list below . . . perhaps he didn't want to know? [read post]
15 Apr 2024, 2:31 am by INFORRM
The law of what people are allowed to do with their drones in the vicinity of other people’s property is undeveloped and the Counterclaim raises reasonable issues in this regard. [read post]
13 Sep 2022, 11:33 am by Jonathan Bailey
Proactive disclosure prevents people from feeling misled by the artwork. [read post]
6 Jul 2007, 4:29 am
We don't know what this stuff means, and unless you're a doctor, chances are that you don't either.But we're pretty sure of one thing - that kind of jargon has very precise medical meaning to the people who do understand what's in these package inserts. [read post]
10 Mar 2008, 1:10 pm
It appears that Georgia attorneys representing injured people may have to give up on direct attacks on the state adoption of Daubert, and do the harder work in each case of beating defense Daubert motions and making offensive use of Daubert against defense expert. [read post]
19 Oct 2011, 8:43 am by Steve Hall
"Removing people from a jury on the basis of race is shameful and inexcusable," said Plaintiff Vicky Allen Brown. [read post]
5 Apr 2007, 8:16 am
In 2002, in Atkins v Virginia, theUS Supreme Court outlawed the execution of people withretardation. [read post]
14 Feb 2020, 4:00 am by Malcolm Mercer
Allen’s approach is not naive nor a descent into relativism. [read post]
5 Jul 2012, 11:22 am by Eric
But then again, I don’t think copyright law lets people resell “used” CDs/DVDs if they’ve ripped the files to their computers [read post]
26 Jul 2024, 10:08 am by Kevin
Allen County May 13, 2024). [read post]
3 Apr 2019, 2:08 pm by Patricia Salkin
”   Allen v Powers, 2019 NY Slip Op 29104 (City Court Of Cohoes, Albany County 4/1/2019). [read post]