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1 Jul 2022, 6:00 am by Gene Takagi
It is a true honor to join this incredible community. ]Racial Equity and Justice: NARF/NCAI Joint Statement on SCOTUS Ruling on Castro-Huerta v. [read post]
8 Apr 2011, 2:59 am by Marie Louise
The People) (Recording Industry vs The People) Viacom – YouTube should not be required to use software filters, Public Knowledge tells Court: Viacom v YouTube (Public Knowledge) (Electronic Frontier Foundation) US Trade Marks & Domain Names – Decisions District Court N D Georgia: Trademark owner gets injunction against keyword ad campaign that generated no sales for the advertiser: v. [read post]
9 Jul 2015, 11:30 pm by Old Fox
Government does not invest, it spends, and it spends other people’s money.And the fallacy of socialism is that it works out REALLY well until you run out of other people’s money. [read post]
2 Sep 2009, 4:29 am
(For a taste of the U.S. dispute, see Havana Club Holding, S.A. v. [read post]
11 Feb 2017, 10:52 am
Imprisonment preceded national office for leaders ranging from Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah and Cuba’s Fidel Castro in anticolonial struggles to Czechoslovakia’s Václav Havel and South Korea’s Kim Dae Jung in the post-Cold War era [‘Mandela actually saw Algeria’s first president, Ahmed Ben Balla, welcomed back from prison after he was released and before he became independent Algeria’s first premier. [read post]
24 Dec 2006, 6:06 am
Eisenhower's nefarious plan to enforce Brown v. [read post]