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2 Dec 2012, 7:52 pm by Larry Catá Backer
Jindal Global University; Formerly Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, India Enforcing Socio-Economic Rights through Public Interest Litigation: An Overview of the Indian Experience 3) Dr Leïla Choukroune, Senior Lecturer in International Economic Law, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, The Netherlands The Paradox of Justiciability: Labour PIL in China and India Questions/Comments 6:30pm-8:30pm – Welcome Dinner hosted by the City University Law School (by… [read post]
19 Oct 2012, 3:57 am by Russ Bensing
  The State argued that the good faith exception to the warrant clause applied, relying on Davis v. [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 5:27 pm by INFORRM
The Data Protection Act 1998 is increasingly being deployed as part of a claimant’s arsenal in defamation claims, writes Robin Hopkins, a barrister at 11KBW. [read post]
24 Jul 2012, 11:34 am by Kenneth Vercammen
Peoples Bank & Trust Co. of Westfield, 17 N.J. 67, 75 (1954), to which we owe the motion court no special deference. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 8:13 am by Ronald Collins
In December 1833, the American Monthly Review commented on a newly published book by Joseph Story. [read post]
8 Feb 2012, 12:00 am by INFORRM
The only available guidance derives from DPP v Collins ([2006] UKHL 40), an appeal from the Divisional Court. [read post]