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2 Apr 2015, 3:34 pm by Stephen Bilkis
As a corollary to the right to criminal counsel, non-English speaking individuals have the right to an interpreter to enable them to participate meaningfully in their trial and assist in their own defense (see People v Ramos, 26 NY2d 272, 274 [1970]; People v Perez, 198 AD2d 446, 447 [1993]; People v De Armas, 106 AD2d 659). [read post]
18 Jan 2015, 7:48 pm
[w] hen there are many interpretations, according to the option Preamble according to the prevails . [read post]
20 Oct 2014, 6:03 am
Katfriend Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan (University of Cambridge, King’s College and Max Planck Institute), kindly hosted by Eleonora, investigates those really questions in this post.* Galileo sees stars as ESA logo marches on Jeremy reports on the General Court of the European Union’s decision in Case T-450/11 Galileo International Technology LLC v OHIM, the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA). [read post]
16 Oct 2014, 9:16 pm by Frank Pasquale
And note that one of the key cases defending opportunities to lie--US v. [read post]
30 Jul 2014, 4:44 am by Kevin LaCroix
It alleges that during the class period the defendants misled these investors by making false or misleading statement or failing to disclose that   (i) Barclays engaged in a “systematic pattern of fraud and deceit” by using its dark pool to favor high-frequency traders over its other clients; (ii) the pools were promoted as offering investors protection from predatory traders, while Barclays instead courted HFT firms by charging them lower rates; (iii) Barclays falsely understated… [read post]