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3 May 2017, 9:36 am by Andrew Hamm
According to Jennifer Lowe, director of programs and strategic planning, Jones favored re-enactments for the “novel, new and different way” the experience “teaches people about Supreme Court cases. [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 7:16 pm by Donald Thompson
On 12/15/09 in People v Wrotten (a name that works), the Court of Appeals, relying on People v Cintron (75 NY2d 249 [1990]) held that permitting an adult complainant living in another state to testify via real-time, two-way video after finding that because of age and poor health he was unable to travel to New York to attend court was within the trial court's inherent powers under Judiciary Law § 2-b, absent any specific statutory authority for such… [read post]
27 Sep 2013, 1:22 pm
Tommy Davis and Adele Jones have been charged with felony robbery and dealing in stolen property charges after allegedly robbing Rohan Dawkins, a mentally challenged Florida man who had purchased a $150 GameStop collector’s edition copy of "Grand Theft Auto V", of the video game as he left a GameStop store in a Delray Beach parking lot. [read post]
7 Feb 2011, 5:49 am by Layla Kuhl
The Court granted leave to appeal in Jones v. [read post]