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27 Jul 2007, 1:25 pm
 Notwithstanding the novelty, the Court was of the opinion that there was sufficient physical contact and enough non-hearsay allegations of intent and behavior to make out a prima facie case.As they prepare for trial, Dibrino's lawyer may want to consider going with paperless invoices.For a copy of the Justice Court's decision, please use this link: People v. [read post]
27 Jul 2007, 2:39 am
Again, I'm not complaining - every penny is worth it (especially if I pass, which I will), but this is an extraordinarily expensive endeavor. [read post]
18 Apr 2007, 3:30 pm
Yesterday I noted that the California Court of Appeal had amended a plethora of its opinions that day, and slightly complimented them for doing so -- or, at least, for being willing to amend.Today, apparently emboldened, read -- in its entirety -- the following amendment by Justice Rubin:"GOOD CAUSE appearing the opinion filed in the above entitled matter on April 9, 2007, is modified as follows:On page 3, the amount of '$17,958.13' in the first full sentence shall be replaced with… [read post]
18 Dec 2006, 12:29 pm
In addition to agreeing to and ordering the SEC's disgorgement request of $2.7 million, the court agreed to impose a penny stock bar on Steeples, but only for five years following her time in prison. [read post]