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8 Jan 2016, 2:10 am by Florian Mueller
Alphabet is really trying to improve people's lives, to save lives, possibly even to extend life, and that's because it has fantastic founders who are still practically in control. [read post]
22 May 2017, 3:28 am by Peter Mahler
I also commented that Shapiro widens the prospects for encroachment upon minority member interests by negating the non-mandatory default protections in the New York LLC Law. [read post]
22 May 2017, 3:28 am by Peter Mahler
I also commented that Shapiro widens the prospects for encroachment upon minority member interests by negating the non-mandatory default protections in the New York LLC Law. [read post]
3 Apr 2014, 12:38 am by Florian Mueller
No single company can match the power of a massive ecosystem, and the Android ecosystem is now by far the most powerful one, with the gap widening further every day.Not only in the patent damages context but also in the strategy debate I often notice that Apple's fans grossly overestimate the amounts of money Apple spent on research and development when it created the iPhone and the iPad. [read post]
18 Mar 2008, 4:16 pm
    This belief comes from my unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the American people. [read post]
1 Mar 2007, 1:16 am
In criminal law, for example, the authors concentrate on death penalty law, even up through People v. [read post]
7 Dec 2014, 3:10 pm by Michel-Adrien Sheppard
The new kidnapping offence would be committed where a person, D: without lawful authority or reasonable excuse; intentionally uses force or the threat of force; in order to take another person V, or otherwise cause them to move in his company. [read post]
8 Jul 2024, 2:00 am by Patricia McKee
They argued that the Provincial Government of Loja’s road expansion project to widen the Vilcabamba-Quinara road was infringing on the river’s rights. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 4:24 am by SHG
What he’s referring to is the Supreme Court’s 1942 opinion, written by Justice Frank Murphy, in Chaplinksy v. [read post]
23 Dec 2007, 8:00 pm
: (IPEG),More on the implementation of the London Agreement and patent cost reduction in Europe: (Patent Baristas),ECJ rules that EU legislative obligations cannot be enforced in any Member State if that legislation has not been published in the Official Journal in the language of that Member State (Case C-161/06  OlomoucSkoma-Lux sro v Celni reditelstvi Olumouc): (IPKat),EPO fighting complex appl [read post]
5 Apr 2024, 1:00 am by INFORRM
The African Court on Human and Peoples’ RightsNoudehouenou v. [read post]
23 Aug 2012, 6:21 am by Carlos A. Kelly
It came from California… Many people are familiar with the use of eminent domain to acquire private property for public use, such as the widening of a public road. [read post]