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27 Jul 2012, 3:11 am by tekEditor
Hans-Peter Kiem of the Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and an attending transplant physician at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. [read post]
8 Jul 2012, 5:41 pm by Buce
Solmssen's  A Princess  in Berlin (1980) about the legendary Post-WWI calamity in Germany (thanks again, TaxMom, this is your copy and yes, I should return it). [read post]
9 May 2012, 3:03 pm
Among the participants at the March conference in Berlin was ICC Judge Hans-Peter Kaul (left), formerly the Head of the Public International Law Division of Germany's Federal Foreign Office and leader of the German delegation at the 1998 Rome Conference. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 2:07 pm by Giesela Ruehl
Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Humboldt-University Berlin 17:15 End of the first day Tuesday, 8 May III. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 8:40 am by cen
Das neue Buch von Schwintowski, der an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin einen sehr guten Ruf als Lehrender besitzt ist in der Reihe “Prüfe dein Wissen” bei C.H. [read post]
27 Mar 2012, 5:31 am by Giesela Ruehl
Rolf Wagner, Federal Ministery of Justice, Berlin 10:15   Allgemeiner Teil und Effizienz , Prof. [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 3:11 am by New Books Script
K 1115 I57 S47 2012 Insider dealing and criminal law : dangerous liaisons Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2012 xviii, 279 p. ; 24 cm. [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 8:59 am by Karel.Frielink
Curacao managed to attract Air Berlin flights recently and already has noticed a marked increase in the number of visitors from that part of the world. [read post]
11 Feb 2012, 8:00 am by Giorgio Buono
Poillot Peruzzetto, Peter Lang (Series: Euroclio – Volume 62), Bruxelles – Bern – Berlin – Frankfurt am Main – New York – Oxford – Wien, 2011, 388 pages. [read post]
31 Jan 2012, 9:32 pm by Jacob Katz Cogan
Presentations at the conference will address these and other crucial issues, and by doing so provide a clearer understanding of PTIAs as an instrument of ordering international investment relations.Friday, 16 March 201220.00 Welcome Reception and BuffetKeynote AddressPreferential Trade and Investment Agreements - A Practitioner’s PerspectiveRaúl Emilio Vinuesa (Universidad de Buenos Aires)Saturday, 17 March 201209.00 Opening Remarks & General IntroductionRainer Hofmann… [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 3:07 am by New Books Script
K 487 E3 N48 1998 V.3 The new Palgrave dictionary of economics and the law / edited by Peter Newman. [read post]
18 Jan 2012, 7:17 am by Kenneth Anderson
by Kenneth Anderson English-language OJ readers are fortunate to have University of Connecticut’s Peter Lindseth spending the semester in Berlin as the Daimler Fellow at the American Academy, where among other things he is posting to the Eutopia law blog on various governance issues in Europe. [read post]
13 Jan 2012, 8:00 am by Dan Ernst
  For more information contact Ira Berlin ( or Michael A. [read post]