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26 Mar 2012, 5:33 am by Eugene Volokh
Eugene Kontorovich of Northwestern Law School will be guest-blogging this week about the Alien Tort Statute. [read post]
14 Apr 2009, 12:04 pm
Eugene Kontorovich (Northwestern Law School) will be guest-blogging for the next several days about prosecuting pirates and terrorists. [read post]
27 Jul 2007, 6:07 pm
Law School prof Eugene Kontorovich is guest-blogging about international law (what else?) [read post]
13 Jul 2012, 2:50 pm by Eugene Volokh
Eugene Kontorovich (Northwestern) — who has guest-blogged here several times — passes along this item about today’s United States v. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) Now that Eugene has given me the electronic keys to this Conspiracy, I could not resist getting involved in the now-legendary discussion of the ACA… There is a serious inconsistency between the government’s arguments for the mandate and for the Medicaid expansion. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) [Cross-posted on OpinioJuris] The new issue in Kiobel is not mere extraterritoriality, but rather universality. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) In my previous post, I argued that the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause advocated by the government would have the absurd result, when applied to the parallel foreign commerce clause, of allowing Congress to impose mandates on foreigners with no prior contacts with the U.S. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) One of the peculiarities of the Alien Tort Statute is its mix of cosmopolitan conceptions of justice with American exceptionalism. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) Today the Supreme Court takes on the scope of the Commerce Clause in the historic healthcare cases. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) Lets take a break from the ACA to think about the federal government’s power to to deal with matters that have no connection to the U.S., an issue the Court will take up when it hears the expanded arguments in Kiobel, the ATS case. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) One aspect of the ACA litigation that has not received due attention is the effect of the Court’s ruling on the scope Foreign Commerce Clause. [read post]
Eugene Kontorovich, guest-blogging) The Fourth Circuit’s noteworthy decision in U.S. v. [read post]