Your search Public Service Commission of the State of New York, Petitioner, v. Federal Power Commission, Respondent, Continental Oilcompany and Sunray Dxoil Company, Skelly Oil Company, Sunoil Company, George H. Coates, Prado Oil& Gas Company,philadelphia Electric Company, Intervenors.continental Oil Company, and Sunray Dx Oil Company, Petitioners, v. Federal Power Commission, Respondent, Public Servicecommission of the Stateof New York, the United Gasimprovement Company, and Long Islandlightingcompany, Intervenors.the United Gas Improvement Company and Long Island Lightingcompany, Petitioners, v. Federal Power Commission, Respondent, Sun Oil Company, Southtexas Natural Gasgathering Company, George H. Coates, Skellyoil Company, Continental Oilcompany, et al., Prado Oil Andgas Company, and Philadelphia Electric Company,intervenors.prado Oil and Gas Company, Petitioner, v. Federal Power Commission, Respondent, Public Servicecommission of the Stateof New York, Intervenor did not match any document.