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7 Sep 2024, 3:47 am by Eleonora Rosati
CJEU’s own copyright case law.The CJEU has been asked to answer the above in the context of the referral, lodged by the Dutch Supreme Court, in Kwantum v Vitra, C-227/23.Earlier this week, Advocate General (AG) Szpunar published his Opinion, advising the CJEU to rule that, no, since the adoption of the InfoSoc Directive, EU Member States have lost their freedom under Article 2(7) BC.Let’s see how the referral came to be, how the AG reasoned, and what the potential… [read post]
14 Aug 2024, 6:19 am by Paolo Busco
This essay examines whether it is lawful under international law for a State to subject a foreign diplomatic pouch to X-raying or scanning procedures to ensure that it is not used for illicit purposes. [read post]
30 Jun 2024, 10:30 pm by Henry Barrett
’ At the Prague European Summit 2024, European Commissioner for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová indicated that while the EMFA makes significant strides for establishing protections of editorial independence in public media and media ownership transparency, Hungarian media state capture is ultimately at the whim of the national government and fundamentally irreversible from the European level. [read post]
4 Jun 2024, 9:32 am by Guest Author
The post Rays of Hope for the Administrative State, by Peter L. [read post]