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9 Feb 2017, 4:25 am
Kennedy decide to step down,” and that an administration official named federal appeals court judges Raymond Kethledge and Brett Kavanaugh as possible candidates. [read post]
16 Feb 2025, 3:49 pm
Raymond Kethledge, Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (3:30 PM to 5:15 PM) Closing Banquet and Fireside Chat at Michigan Stadium (“The Big House”) Hon. [read post]
3 Jul 2018, 5:32 am
” With an op-ed in the Washington Post, Hugh Hewitt makes the case that “best choice for the opening is Judge Raymond Kethledge,” who “brings political upside to the process that Kavanaugh and several other contenders cannot. [read post]
31 Dec 2019, 2:56 pm
Kethledge and Michael S. [read post]
18 Sep 2012, 1:02 am
On September 17, 2012, in an opinion applying Ohio law and written by Judge Raymond Kethledge for a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit, affirmed the district court’s summary judgment grant. [read post]
31 Jan 2023, 6:55 am
” Judge Raymond Kethledge asked why a putative class action would not be considered an individual action for Article III purposes. [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 11:12 am
Circuit Judge Raymond Kethledge joined Donald on the panel. [read post]
29 Jun 2018, 4:17 am
At Fa on First, Wen Fa looks at the record of one of the potential nominees, Judge Raymond Kethledge, on First Amendment issues. [read post]
3 Oct 2021, 10:26 am
The 6th Circuit voted 8-7 to deny en banc review, with two of the eight judges (Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton and Judge Raymond Kethledge) writing that they believed the panel decision was wrong but not en banc worthy. [read post]
5 Jul 2018, 4:15 am
Circuit; Raymond Kethledge of Michigan, of the Sixth Circuit; and Amy Coney Barrett of Indiana, of the Seventh Circuit. [read post]
30 Apr 2020, 9:59 am
Judge Amul Thapar dissented, joined by Judges Raymond Kethledge, John Bush, Joan Larsen, John Nalbandian, Chad Readler and Eric Murphy. [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 1:10 pm
Sometime Supreme Court short-lister Judge Raymond Kethledge dissented in relevant part, ensuring that this case will get a close look from the court — and may be “summary reversal” bait. [read post]
30 Oct 2024, 11:58 am
Sergent, decided yesterday by Sixth Circuit Judge Raymond Kethledge, joined by Judges Richard Griffin and John Bush: Professor David Porter sued his former employer, Berea College, for employment discrimination, retaliation, and breach of contract, and he sued his former colleague, Professor F. [read post]
7 Dec 2022, 12:58 pm
Judge Raymond Kethledge dissented, saying that he would have construed the notice exception “more narrowly than it would ordinarily be read” as limited to records the delinquent taxpayer owned or had a legal interest in, consistent with an opinion of the 9th Circuit. [read post]
3 Jul 2018, 6:59 am
’” The sabotage conviction was later overturned by the 6th Circuit, in an opinion by another of Trump’s shortlisters, Judge Raymond Kethledge, who wrote that “vague platitudes about a facility’s ‘crucial role in the national defense’ are not enough to convict a defendant of sabotage. [read post]