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9 Aug 2012, 5:00 am by Bexis
With Bexis and McConnell now at Reed Smith, we’ve gained access to Reed’s database on the ubiquitous plaintiffs’ expert Dr. [read post]
20 Nov 2021, 7:29 am by Richard Hunt
University Partners LLC et al, 2021 WL 5038780 (D. [read post]
20 Jun 2018, 11:53 am by Philip Bobbitt
It is, as Chief Justice John Marshall observed of the commerce power in McCulloch v. [read post]
15 Dec 2019, 4:05 pm by INFORRM
  He took part in the BBC’s live televised Tory leadership debate questioning the candidate on issues of islamophobia, which led to Boris Johnson agreeing to conduct a formal investigation into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party if he became its leader. [read post]
5 Jun 2017, 1:39 pm by Jamie Baker
Spece Jr. et al., (Implicit) Consent to Intimacy, 50 IND. [read post]
4 Oct 2019, 4:38 pm by Unknown
Johnson (2015), which led to thousands of new filings in the federal district courts and courts of appeals. [read post]
29 May 2011, 9:30 am by J. Gordon Hylton
On May 22, Walter Joseph Kowalski of Red Hook, New York passed away at age 88. [read post]