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8 Aug 2013, 11:00 pm by Christina Reichert
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Bank of America with allegedly misleading investors about mortgage securities.The Obama Administration overturned the International Trade Commission (ITC) ban on the sale of certain Apple products that allegedly infringed Samsung patents.The Senate confirmed Scott Kieff as a new member of the ITC.The U.S. [read post]
7 Aug 2013, 9:30 pm by Christina Reichert
Financial regulation is vital to the U.S. economy because it ensures stability, protects investors, and provides security to borrowers. [read post]
6 Aug 2013, 9:30 pm by Maxwell Blum
President Obama has ordered  federal agencies to make their data “open and machine readable,” excluding only information likely to implicate privacy, national security, and law enforcement concerns. [read post]
5 Aug 2013, 9:30 pm by Shi-Ling Hsu
Why is it that if you characterize yourself as “very conservative,” you are twenty times more likely to be dismissive of the threat of climate change than if you consider yourself “very liberal”? [read post]
4 Aug 2013, 9:30 pm by Paul H. Robinson
The U.S. attorney in Manhattan recently announced the criminal indictment of hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors. [read post]
31 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Kara Cheever
Commercial and industrial buildings are one of the largest consumers of energy in the United States – accounting for roughly fifty percent of the nation’s total energy consumption and imposing more than $400 billion in costs, according to the U.S. [read post]
30 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Christina Reichert
 Adler argues—in another recent paper that follows an earlier RegBlog post—that the REINS Act does not violate principles of separation of powers. [read post]
28 Jul 2013, 10:20 pm by Anita K. Krug
For many of us, thinking about financial services regulation means thinking about the financial crisis and, more specifically, how best to prevent its recurrence. [read post]
24 Jul 2013, 9:45 pm by RegBlog
RegBlog is excited to announce the new Editorial Board for 2013-14. [read post]
23 Jul 2013, 9:40 pm by Kara Cheever
Fracking, more formally known as hydraulic fracturing, has created a natural gas boom and revitalized some rural economies – but not without raising environmental concerns. [read post]
22 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Maxwell Blum
Cyberattacks can cause potentially massive costs, but the United States may not be adequately prepared to face them. [read post]
20 Jul 2013, 10:00 pm by Alex Raskolnikov
People engage in all kinds of harmful acts. [read post]
19 Jul 2013, 12:12 am by Christina Reichert
 See related RegBlog post.The United Kingdom legalized same-sex marriage.The U.S. [read post]
17 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Christina Reichert
The abortion bill the Texas Senate passed last week, despite state senator Wendy Davis’s filibuster efforts, has garnered extensive attention in the media. [read post]
16 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Kara Cheever
Human development has unequivocal implications for the environment and human health. [read post]
15 Jul 2013, 10:10 pm by Jennifer Nash
Two Bangladeshi garment factory tragedies—a devastating fire at Tarzeen Fashions Limited that killed 112 workers last November, and the collapse of Rana Plaza that killed 1,127 workers earlier this year—have prompted two private sector initiatives to improve safety in Bangladeshi plants. [read post]
14 Jul 2013, 9:30 pm by Kara Cheever
Last year the Affordable Care Act (ACA) survived a challenge in the United States Supreme Court, but agencies’ subsequent actions implementing its provisions are now under further legal attack. [read post]