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10 Jan 2011, 12:01 am
Renee Knake and Margaret Tarkington, among others covered the topic. [read post]
3 Jan 2011, 9:08 pm
” [Renee Knake, Legal Ethics Forum] “Major Verdict Threatens to Bankrupt Maker of Exercise Equipment” [Laura Simons, Abnormal Use] Decline in competitiveness of U.S. capital markets owes much to legal and regulatory developments [Bainbridge, related] Deadly Choices, The Panic Virus: Dr. [read post]
30 Nov 2010, 2:22 pm
Renee Newman Knake and Hannah Brenner, both of Michigan State University College of Law, have published Rethinking Gender Equality in the Legal Profession: What the Media’s Depiction of Supreme Court Nominees Reveals About the Pipeline to Power as an MSU Legal Studies Research Paper. [read post]
30 Nov 2010, 2:15 pm
Renee Newman Knake and Hannah Brenner, both of the Michigan State University College of Law, have published Rethinking Gender Equality in the Legal Profession: What the Media’s Depiction of Supreme Court Nominees Reveals About the Pipeline to Power as a... [read post]
17 Nov 2010, 7:34 am
Renee Newman Knake, Michigan State University College of Law, is publishing Attorney Advice and the First Amendment, in a forthcoming issue of the Washington and Lee Law Review. [read post]
12 Nov 2010, 12:00 pm
I would like to thank John Steele and Renee Knake for encouraging me to be a guest blogger here--I've been a fan of The Legal Ethics Forum for quite awhile! [read post]
20 Oct 2010, 7:57 am
We recently mentioned Renee Knake's article on "Attorney Advice and the First Amendment. [read post]
19 Oct 2010, 3:01 pm
Renee Newman Knake (Michigan State University College of Law) has posted Attorney Advice and the First Amendment on SSRN. [read post]
11 Oct 2010, 12:01 am
(Renee Knake had commented on the article here.) [read post]
9 Aug 2010, 7:15 am
Renee Newman Knake, Michigan State University College of Law, has published From Research Conclusions to Real Change: Understanding The First Amendment’s (Non)Response to the Negative Effects of Violent Video Games on Children, in volume 63 of Southern Methodist University Law... [read post]
6 Jul 2010, 7:42 am
She quotes our own Renee Knake, who's been covering the issue at this blog for some time. [read post]
3 Jun 2010, 2:15 pm
[4] For a list of recent articles extolling Finch’s virtues see Renee Newman Knake, Beyond Atticus Finch: Lessons on Ethics and Morality from Lawyers and Judges in Postcolonial Literature, 32 J. of Legal Profession n. 35 (2008). [read post]
26 May 2010, 9:35 am
They are: Renee Knake '99, who will join the faculty at Michigan State University. [read post]
14 May 2010, 8:02 pm
Renee Newman Knake (Michigan State University College of Law) has posted The Supreme Court’s Increased Attention to the Law of Lawyering: Mere Coincidence or Something More? [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 7:15 pm
Article here from one of our own co-bloggers. [read post]
5 Apr 2010, 11:19 am
Renee Newman Knake, Michigan State University College of Law, has published "Contemplating Free Speech and Congressional Efforts to Constrain Legal Advice," forthcoming in the Rutgers Law Record. [read post]
23 Feb 2010, 7:41 am
(To follow how the US Supremes are handling law of lawyering issues, make sure to read our posts by Renee Newman Knake.) [read post]
16 Oct 2009, 7:08 am
Renee Newman Knake, Michigan State University College of Law, has published "From Research Conclusions to Real Change: Understanding the First Amendment's (Non)Response to Negative Effects of Mass Media on Children by Looking to the Example of Violent Video Game Regulations,"... [read post]
25 Sep 2009, 12:56 pm
Renee Newman Knake (Michigan State University College of Law) has posted The Progress of Women in the Legal Profession (Pace Law Review, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2009) on SSRN. [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 2:00 am
Renee Knake sends along this post:Thanks both to John Steele, who recently featured my article on the Supreme Court's increased attention to the law of lawyering during the upcoming term, and to Andrew Perlman for presenting me with the opportunity to guest blog about this topic. [read post]