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25 Nov 2018, 5:02 pm by Daily Record Staff
Civil litigation — Discovery failure — Attorney’s fees In this case, the Circuit Court for Talbot County granted appellee Mark Wester’s motion to compel discovery, and entered judgment in the amount of $980.50 in favor of his attorneys, appellees Daniel Cox and the Cox Law Center, LLC (“Cox”), and against Jessica Wester’s attorneys, appellants Richard ... [read post]
16 May 2013, 8:15 am by Kenan Farrell
Mark Arruda et al Court Case Number: 1:13-cv-00800-TWP-DKLFile Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2013Plaintiff: Richard N. [read post]
7 Apr 2019, 4:03 pm by INFORRM
Following Recent Cases in Media Law at the European Court of Human Rights, van der Hof et al. [read post]
3 Sep 2009, 9:07 pm
Chamber of Commerce, represented by Richard Bernstein and Barry Barbash of Willkie Farr Investment Company Institute, represented by Seth Waxman of WilmerHale Last month, the following amici filed  in support of the petitioners Jones, et al.: Law Professors (specifically, the professors are Barbara Aldave, myself, Barbara Black, Douglas Branson, Jim Cox, Steven Davidoff, Lisa Fairfax, Jim Fanto, Jesse Fried, Theresa Gabaldon, Joan MacLeod… [read post]
5 Aug 2012, 9:19 am
Cox Medical Centers, et al., a Springfield mother filed a lawsuit after her son sustained catastrophic brain damage during his birth. [read post]
26 Dec 2016, 4:30 am by Ben
Well Marie-Andree cited that 1879 case  Feist Publications, Inc. v. [read post]
16 Feb 2018, 12:45 am
No, says the European Court of Human Rights | BMG v Cox - when does an ISP lose its safe harbour protection? [read post]
23 Mar 2015, 9:03 am by WIMS
Reply of petitioners Michigan, et al. filed and more. [read post]
19 May 2016, 6:02 pm by stevemehta
PIONEER MEDICAL GROUP, INC., et. al, The Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act affords certain protections to elders and dependent adults. [read post]
30 Dec 2018, 3:03 am by Ben
Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit in Folkens v Wyland. [read post]