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Instead, it is also about a persistent view of trade unions that predates the platform economy and efforts to avoid unionisation (as the extreme facts in United Steelworkers of America v Baron Metal Industries Inc illustrate). [read post]
21 Apr 2017, 1:39 pm by Venkat Balasubramani
This is a lawsuit against Uber alleging that it improperly assessed a cancellation fee without advising the rider in advance. [read post]
15 Sep 2015, 8:39 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
Ave. bike lane with plants, September 9, 2015, Boston Globe, Steve Annear More Blog Entries:Floyd-Tunnell v. [read post]
26 Aug 2016, 11:28 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
There is minimum rider height of three feet, and it requires any rider less than four feet to be with an adult during the ride. [read post]
17 Apr 2009, 11:26 am
  The report often states facts in a way that implies the bicycle rider was at-fault or at-least partially at fault for the bicycle v. car collision. [read post]