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17 Apr 2021, 7:39 am by Annsley Merelle Ward
   The blurb from UCL IBIL reads as follows:"In this special World IP Day event, IBIL welcomes you to join Daniel Alexander in discussion with the Professor Sir Robin Jacob to mark Sir Robin’s contribution to IP law on the auspicious occasion of his 80th birthday.Sir Robin needs little introduction. [read post]
17 Sep 2013, 10:27 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Sir Robin, Daniel Alexander QC and Matthew Fisher have just released the 6th edition of their Guidebook to Intellectual Property. [read post]
7 May 2010, 12:11 pm
Nicholas Adam Curott and Alexander Fink, George Mason University, have published Bandit Heroes: Social, Mythical or Rational?. [read post]
28 Aug 2024, 6:55 am by Tracy Thomas
Call for Contributions for Research Handbook on Gender, History, and Law (Edward Elgar) As part of Edward Elgar's Research Handbooks in Gender and Law Series edited by Robin West and Alexander Maine, this volume on Gender, History, and Law aims... [read post]
12 Oct 2007, 10:26 am
Based on interviews with parents, teachers, children and members of the community, the Review team headed by Professor Robin Alexander reported ‘deep anxiety' amongst children. [read post]
8 Feb 2008, 9:52 am
The Primary Review, led by Cambridge University's Robin Alexander and launched in 2006, is an independent inquiry into the state of primary education. [read post]
15 May 2010, 6:49 am by Neil Burns
The decision is interesting reading as it discusses the common law notion of using entrusted property for unauthorized purposes making the Robin Hood analogy: " not even Robin Hood could have found [Sherman's company] Whitehorne, Sherman and the three luckless investors more deserving than the victims whom chance, or their own prudence, had spared from Whitehorne's bad bet. [read post]
4 Mar 2019, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Eskridge & Robin Fretwell Wilson 2018)).Scott R. [read post]
25 Apr 2021, 7:28 am by Magdaleen Jooste
On this year’s World IP Day event, IBIL welcomes you to join Daniel Alexander in discussion with Professor Sir Robin Jacob to mark Sir Robin’s contribution to IP law on the auspicious occasion of his 80th birthday. [read post]
Milne (1882-1956) Novelist, Playwright & Poet Alan Alexander Milne was an English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various children’s poems. [read post]
28 Jul 2015, 11:36 am
Satz; Capabilities and constitutions, Robin West. [read post]
18 May 2012, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Alexander Lawrence and Erin Herlihy of Morrison Foerster and their blog, Socially Aware Facing a Dying Nation? [read post]
28 Feb 2020, 2:59 am by Walter Olson
Elizabeth Warren’s debate attack on Mike Bloomberg over non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) was simplistic, and that’s putting it diplomatically [Robin Shea] West Coast longshore union braces for bankruptcy [Richard Read, Los Angeles Times] An issue to watch carefully: most Democratic White House contenders support labor law changes to introduce “sectoral bargaining,” which ropes employers into all-for-one industry-wide negotiations like it or not [Sharon Block… [read post]
20 Apr 2013, 2:24 pm
In the faintly fairytale surroundings of the Stationers' Hall two lions of the IP world, Professor Doctor Alexander von Mühlendahl and Professor Sir Robin Jacob, duelled over the honour of the Cinderella of IP law and her two (not so) ugly sisters. [read post]
13 Jul 2012, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Amongst today’s selection, we have Robin Shea’s usual excellent Friday post, Kevin LaCroix chiming in on the LIBOR scandal and Mark Stempler explaining how building green can improve contractor and design professionals’ bottom line. [read post]
3 Dec 2015, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Today, Charrise Alexander has a good post on why insurance is essential for a number of services that are part of the ‘sharing economy. [read post]
19 Feb 2021, 3:30 am by Eric B. Meyer
Image by Alexander Ignatov from Pixabay Did you know that each time you pay someone less based on their gender, it is a separate violation of the law? [read post]