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29 Aug 2023, 6:38 pm
Rumpole spend it (and is spending it) bathing in the North Sea. [read post]
24 Aug 2023, 5:56 pm
 This blog has always said that when we discuss an issue and criticize a lawyer or judge, that we would always allow the recipient of Rumpole's wrath equal time and access to the front page of the blog, with their response unedited. [read post]
22 Aug 2023, 9:27 am
 If you're a new prosecutor and reading this, just remember one of Rumpole's maxims: "You will spend a career building a reputation, and you can ruin it in a moment" (like if you're a division prosecutor and a judge removes you from their division for acting sleezy, which has been known to occur from time to time....right? [read post]
13 Aug 2023, 5:49 pm
 As August enters the second half, Rumpole repairs to Europe, where the temperatures are cooler (so we are not in Italy or Southern France) and shall remain here until Labor Day. [read post]
7 Aug 2023, 12:36 am
 PROFESSIONALISM SURVEY The Miami Dade Bar Association (Motto: "Rumpole may not join") is conducting a Professionalism Survey. [read post]
30 Jul 2023, 2:17 am
For example: “Rumpole said you were a simpleton”. [read post]
27 Jul 2023, 2:00 am
  Rumpole says: Does this frighten you? [read post]
14 Jul 2023, 5:07 am
 Rumpole says, this whole federalist society thing is getting under our skin. [read post]
30 Jun 2023, 12:59 pm
"  (because they f'ing beat their slaves Rumpole notes). [read post]
26 Jun 2023, 10:09 pm
This bridge which has brought countless clients to the courthouse for rescue and redemption; this bridge, which has conveyed legions of prosecutors to work in the early morning hours, hopeful that an early start to the day of trial will result in a win, only to see their hopes dashed against the rocks of a Rumpole cross and closing, is once again open, connecting our little slice of heaven known as the REGJB with the sights and smells of Cafecito like only they can make it on Calle Ocho. [read post]
20 Jun 2023, 3:53 pm
 There are two things that caught our eye this Tuesday morning after the prosecution came to their senses, looked across the courtroom and saw Rumpole filling out his voir dire chart and dismissed the case, saving us a few days of work and them from the inevitable outcome. [read post]
1 Jun 2023, 8:19 pm
The Heat set an unenviable record by attempting a mere two free throws in an NBA finals game, an unmatched record of free-throw finals futility (giving rise to a classic Rumpole alliterative roll). [read post]
30 May 2023, 12:25 pm by David Oscar Markus
  GO HEAT: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Miami HEAT (@miamiheat) And Rumpole, even though you are a Heat hater, you may come around after seeing that Spo quoted one of your favorite speeches after the game: Heat Coach Erik Spoelstra referenced Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena speech in his post game comments. [read post]
28 May 2023, 7:56 am
 Rumpole notes that the bot had it's AI fingers crossed behind its back. [read post]
24 May 2023, 1:27 pm
Thus, the infamous cross by Rumpole, circa 1980 where he thundered in some DUI trial, "you observed my client perambulate, did you not? [read post]
30 Apr 2023, 1:17 pm
 30 years ago, April 30, 1993, when the majority of DeSantis appointed Republican judges were in diapers and watching Sesame Street (before the program became woke and verboten among our judicial brethren)   Rumpole tuned into NPR Morning Edition (before NPR and Morning Edition became woke and verboten amongst DeSantis Judges [hereinafter DJs on this blog] and here is what he heard: "Imagine being able to communicate at will with 10 million people all over the… [read post]
25 Apr 2023, 6:08 pm
Hayes is awarded the Rumpole Profiles in Courage Award for exposing this policy in that office. [read post]