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15 Dec 2011, 4:38 pm by Rumpole
(Rumpole can't help but wonder, who is getting $500 simoleons an hour to do an appeal outside of the southern district of NYC?) [read post]
14 Dec 2011, 3:23 am by Rumpole
He would be someone that you would want to emulate during your time wearing the robe.God bless Judge Roberto "Rob" Pineiro.Captain Out .....RUMPOLE says: we think about Judge Pinero often as we enter the REGJB. [read post]
14 Dec 2011, 3:23 am by Rumpole
He would be someone that you would want to emulate during your time wearing the robe.God bless Judge Roberto "Rob" Pineiro.Captain Out .....RUMPOLE says: we think about Judge Pinero often as we enter the REGJB. [read post]
10 Dec 2011, 4:22 pm by Rumpole
In his first time interviewing with the JNC, his name was sent up to the Governor, not only for one of the two Circuit Court seats, but also for the County Court seat vacated by Judge Rosa Figarola (Circuit).And the Governor chose Cannava as our newest County Court Judge, in his first time up.A Rumpole Courage award goes to 29 year old Scott Millard. [read post]
5 Dec 2011, 5:17 pm by Rumpole
What Rumpole is reading: 11/22/63: Absolutely Stephen King's finest. [read post]
8 Nov 2011, 3:03 am by Rumpole
This week CK returned to his MNF strategy and surprised many blog readers by picking against his beloved Chicago Bears who traveled to play the supposedly surging Philadelphia Eagles, although no less a source than Rumpole had warned him that all that glitters was not Eagle Green in Philly. [read post]
2 Oct 2011, 5:19 am by Rumpole
What Rumpole will be watching: Three great games: Jets at Ravens, take the Ravens -3.5; Steelers at Texans, love the over 45; Cheaters at Da Raiders- rooting for the Raiders. [read post]
25 Sep 2011, 6:11 am by Rumpole
And Cary Clennon (Lions) wins the Rumpole "go it alone award" for selecting the Titans. [read post]
23 Sep 2011, 3:12 pm by Rumpole
Be it resolved that we, Rumpole, do hereby highly pledge to avoid bench and bar mixers, and the denizens who habituate them, for the following year. [read post]
19 Sep 2011, 5:50 pm by Rumpole
Plus our wide and varied expertise on matters as diverse as wine, food, literature (Rumpole is currently reading: "The Fall Of The House Of Zeus; The Rise and Ruin of America's Most Powerful Trial Lawyer" -not us, thankfully) , art, sports, exercise, nutrition and law undoubtedly make us a hard act to follow. [read post]
11 Sep 2011, 3:59 pm by Rumpole
The Suicide pool carnage: Out: Rumpole, DOM, Caped Crusader, Stephen ImMache, Fake Alex Michaels, Dustin Tischler, Fake Freddy Moldovan, Miguel De La Over, Crushing Catalano, and Ifitkhar Memon, 10-players out in the worst single day in blog suicide pool history. [read post]
10 Sep 2011, 6:48 pm by Rumpole
Suicide Pool, week one 2011: 29 people indicated they wanted to enter the 2011 suicide pool by stating that “Joel Brown Makes Me Frown” {(c)Rumpole 2011, all rights reserved}, but we are still waiting for many picks. [read post]
9 Sep 2011, 5:23 am by tracey
Rumpole was really only a star because he was fictional. [read post]