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4 Apr 2007, 7:47 pm
Posted by Alan Childress Russell Engler (New England) has posted to SSRN his article, Shaping a Context-Based Civil Gideon from the Dynamics of Social Change. [read post]
13 Oct 2015, 9:10 am
Engler: agrees on convergence issue. [read post]
28 Jan 2008, 6:56 am
This article in the Providence Journal opens with the question: Should taxpayers provide lawyers for needy in civil cases? [read post]
6 Apr 2007, 12:00 am
(Retired mediator and attorney David Giacalone introduced me and other readers of the blog shlep to this movement.)Acceptance for the notion of a civil right to counsel will come about only through cultural change in the halls of justice and among the players there, according to one of its proponents, Russell Engler, a Professor at New England School of Law. [read post]
23 May 2011, 3:57 pm
The list of participants is after the leap: Laura Abel (Brennan Center for Justice) Jon Asher (Colorado Legal Services) Jim Baillie (Fredrikson & Byron) Jeanne Charn (Harvard Law School) Bob Echols (ABA Resource Center for Access to Justice) Peter Edelman (DC Access to Justice Commission, Georgetown Law School) Russell Engler (New England School of Law) Debra Gardner (Public Justice Center) Cynthia Gray (American Judicature Society) Bruce Green (Fordham Law School)… [read post]
4 Apr 2013, 12:10 pm
Jonathan Litman- requires pro bono service prior to the bar makes life difficult for students but is a good policy ; California takes lead on Civil Gideon. 10:53- 3 good arguments for expanding civil gideon: 1) we will all save money if other people get counsel 2) protecting rule of law is good for business and consumers 3) strengthen our own best selves. 10:54- Justice is JUST – US 10:55- Panel 1: Russell Engler, Rebecca Sandefur, Mark… [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 5:15 am
” Our posters also identified ways in which the case is a step backward for civil right to counsel (Russell Engler, Marty Guggenheim) including: Turner focuses on the civil/criminal distinction even though the stakes in some civil proceedings are as important as in some criminal proceedings. [read post]
28 Jun 2011, 9:20 am
NW Washington DC 20008 T: 202-549-1128 E: Blog: List of participants: Laura Abel (Brennan Center for Justice) Jim Baillie (Fredrikson & Byron) Jeanne Charn (Harvard Law School) Peter Edelman (DC Access to Justice Commission, Georgetown Law School) Russell Engler (New England School of Law) Bruce Green (Fordham Law School) Marty Guggenheim (NYU Law School) Jack Londen (Morrison and Foerster) Michael Millemann (University… [read post]
22 Jun 2011, 6:39 am
At Concurring Opinions, Russell Engler argues that, “[f]rom an Access to Justice and Civil Right to Counsel perspective,” Turner “provides a basis for cautious optimism despite the opinion’s flaws. [read post]