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21 Aug 2024, 6:20 am by Steven Schwartzapfel
Auto Insurance New York State is a no-fault state, meaning your own auto insurance will typically cover your medical expenses and lost wages up to your policy limits, regardless of fault. [read post]
The Third Circuit affirmed a judgment for breach of contract in favor of the distributor of an implantable synthetic bone-grafting product called NanoBone. [read post]
29 Jul 2024, 6:07 am by Harrison Blank
United States Philip Bobbitt, A Prudential Way Forward in Trump v. [read post]
28 Jul 2024, 12:57 am by Frank Cranmer
In Sutcliffe v Secretary of State for Education [2024] EWHC 1878 (Admin), Pepperall J commenced his judgment as follows: “[1]. [read post]
26 Jul 2024, 1:06 pm by Dylan Gibbs
In a 4-3 split decision, the state’s Supreme Court held that restaurants can’t be held responsible for bones that crop up in boneless wings. [read post]
26 Jul 2024, 1:06 pm by Dylan Gibbs
In a 4-3 split decision, the state’s Supreme Court held that restaurants can’t be held responsible for bones that crop up in boneless wings. [read post]
24 Jul 2024, 2:45 pm by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2]respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
22 Jul 2024, 5:15 pm by Bill Marler
According to the CDC, as of July 19, 2024, a total of 28 people infected with the outbreak strain of Listeria have been reported from 12 states – Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Massachusetts (2), Maryland (6), Minnesota (1), Missouri (2), North Carolina (1), New Jersey (2), New York (7), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (2) and Wisconsin (1). [read post]
19 Jul 2024, 5:59 pm by Bill Marler
According to the CDC, as of July 19, 2024, a total of 28 people infected with the outbreak strain of Listeria have been reported from 12 states – Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Massachusetts (2), Maryland (6), Minnesota (1), Missouri (2), North Carolina (1), New Jersey (2), New York (7), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (2) and Wisconsin (1). [read post]
8 Jun 2024, 5:20 pm by Bill Marler
 E. coli O157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and… [read post]
24 May 2024, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
Purcell, New York Law School, looks back to Charles Evans Hughes's Supreme Court of the United States for inspiration on how Chief Justices can induce the resignations of Associate Justices  (The Hill).Barbara Lauriat, Texas Tech University School of Law, has published Robinson & Roberts v. [read post]