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6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am
Below the fold is Version 3.1 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Below the fold is Version 3.0 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]
7 Jul 2014, 10:14 am
Sandy Levinson pointed the way even earlier in 1989, with his articulation of "protestant constitutionalism" in Constitutional Faith. [read post]
22 Jun 2014, 12:00 pm
In addition to Bruce Ackerman, essayists for the journal issue include Randy Barnett, David Strauss, Sandy Levinson, Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Randall Kennedy, Rogers Smith, Sophia Lee, Kenji Yoshino, Deborah Hellman, John Skrentny, Richard Thompson Ford, Samuel Bagenstos, David Super, Justin Driver, Cary Franklin, Lani Guinier, and Gerald Torres. [read post]
20 May 2014, 6:08 am
For the Symposium on Bruce Ackerman, We The People, Volume Three: The Civil Rights RevolutionThe Symposium raises two large themes, with many variations. [read post]
6 May 2014, 6:52 am
In a powerful dissenting opinion (rightly praised by Sandy Levinson below), Justice Kagan raises the possibility of prayer in the courtroom before a trial, prior to a naturalization ceremony, at a polling place on election day, or at the DMV. [read post]
25 Mar 2014, 4:29 pm
Back in December of 2012, Linda McClain and I announced that we would be assuming the co-editorship of the annual Tulsa Law Review book review issue, building on the strong foundation laid by Sandy Levinson and Mark Graber in launching the series and publishing three superb issues. [read post]
22 Jan 2014, 9:13 pm
9:00 Opening Remarks 9:15-10:45 Panel One: Helene Landemore, DEMOCRATIC REASON: to be discussed by Dennis Thompson and Paul Woodruff 11-12:30 Panel Two: Jamie Kelly, FRAMING DEMOCRACY: A BEHAVIORAL APPROACH TO DEMOCRATIC THEORY: Joseph Fishkin and Jeffrey Friedman 2-3:30 Panel Three: Ilya Somin, DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL IGNORANCE: Heather Gerken and Sandy Levinson 3:45-5:15 Panel Four: General discussion on the… [read post]
10 Jan 2014, 10:57 am
As many friends, most notably Sandy Levinson and Mark Tushnet have pointed out, the way in which constitutions structure politics at particular times often has more influence on who gets what from government than constitutional law. [read post]
7 Jan 2014, 10:44 am
As Sandy Levinson reminds us from time to time, Americans have difficulty imagining alternatives to the ways in which politics functions in the United States. [read post]
29 Dec 2013, 7:48 am
Speakers include Randy Barnett (Georgetown), David Law (Washington), Sandy Levinson (Texas), and, perhaps for comic relief, me. [read post]
2 Dec 2013, 10:47 am
I'll note (since nobody else yet has) that our own Sandy Levinson is profiled in an article by Jeffrey Toobin in this week's New Yorker. [read post]
13 Nov 2013, 9:19 am
The debate will feature Alan Dershowitz and Sandy Levinson (arguing yes) and David Kopel and Eugene... [read post]
6 Nov 2013, 3:17 pm
Several regular B'zation contributors will be speaking, including Sandy Levinson, Mark Graber, Joey Fishkin, Linda McClain, Mark Tushnet, Ken Kersch, and myself:America’s Political Dysfunction: Constitutional Connections, Causes, and Cures Friday, November 15 & Saturday, November 16, 2013In recent years and especially in recent months, many have despaired over America’s political dysfunction. [read post]
6 Oct 2013, 9:01 pm
It is not codified anywhere, and in fact, Speaker Boehner himself has violated it in recent memory: once in the “fiscal cliff” deal; another time to provide Hurricane Sandy relief; and a third time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. [read post]
4 Sep 2013, 7:12 pm
Sandy Levinson said...Frankly, one of the pathologies of our thinking is the belief that "dictators" are omnipotent (or, as I originally had written, omniscient) within their countries. [read post]
26 Aug 2013, 9:11 am
If I'm out on a limb here, I don't think I'm alone on that limb: Sandy Levinson has made some similar observations. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 11:56 am
Michael GreveFor the symposium on Michael Greve's The Upside Down Constitution (Harvard University Press 2012).Jack Balkin has been a dear friend for many years. [read post]
17 Jun 2013, 6:20 am
Participants will include Sandy Levinson (Texas), Neil Siegel (Duke), Gillian Metzger (Columbia), Michael McConnell (Stanford), Rick Hills (NYU), and Ernie Young (Duke). [read post]
29 Apr 2013, 12:00 am
Sandy Levinson took Maureen Dowd to task for her column last week, “No Bully in the Pulpit,” which criticized President Obama for failing to pull the votes together to get the gun control bill through the Senate. [read post]