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19 Jul 2022, 4:30 am by David Bernstein
Well, I'm not objective, but here from the left, is liberal University of Texas law professor Sandy Levinson: David Bernstein has written an illuminating, thoughtful, and often troubling book about the history of racial classifications in American law. [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 5:15 am by JB
What ails the system does not require a constitutional amendment (pace my dear friend Sandy Levinson). [read post]
4 Mar 2009, 8:34 am
James Read, the author of the new University of Kansas Press book on John Calhoun, Majority Rule versus Consensus, has asked me to post the following comment, which I am happy to do:I would like to follow up on Sandy Levinson's post, "Does Calhoun still live? [read post]
3 Aug 2011, 11:43 am by Mark Graber
The most important constitutional question in 2011, as Sandy Levinson never tires of reminding us, is whether the Constitution of the United States (or many state constitutions) provides a means of staffing the government and making rules that enables government to do a decent job filling in potholes. [read post]
5 Jul 2011, 7:44 am by Ken Kersch
One of my pet peeves – and an inspiration for my current project – is that the court-centered obsessions of law professors (much lamented by Sandy Levinson, amongst others) have led us to believe that the phrase “constitutional theory” applies only to theories advanced to advise judges about the “best” or “only legitimate way” to interpret the constitutional text. [read post]
27 Jun 2008, 1:30 pm
Over at Balkinization, Sandy Levinson offers his initial thoughts on the decision here. [read post]
15 Jul 2016, 3:00 am by Guest Blogger
This is a follow-up to Sandy Levinson’s excellent analysis, which heaps (well-deserved) scorn on politicians in the UK. [read post]
25 Jun 2008, 1:54 am
Even notorious leftists like Sandy Levinson and Larry Tribe agree with me. [read post]
14 Jun 2022, 2:29 pm by Randy E. Barnett
Since 2005, I have assigned 85 books by 79 authors, with Sandy Levinson, Gerard Magliocca, Eric Segall, Dan Farber, Philip Hamburger, and David Bernstein each making 2 appearances. [read post]
21 Apr 2013, 9:01 pm by David S. Kemp
On the blog Balkinization, professors Jason Mazzone and Sandy Levinson engaged in a heated discussion as to the proper interpretation of the Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda. [read post]
28 May 2007, 11:50 pm
What follows is a review of the lectures and some criticisms, offered from the standpoint of Sandy Levinson's and my competing account of constitutional change, the theory of partisan entrenchment. [read post]
20 Aug 2015, 7:51 am by Guest Blogger
              As recognized by Sandy Levinson and others, I am concerned with transmission of the tradition, primarily among non-traditionally observant Jews, who constitute the majority of Jews (both here and in Israel). [read post]
6 Oct 2018, 7:50 am by JB
Among American legal scholars, Sandy Levinson has seen the future. [read post]
27 Apr 2009, 3:50 am
in the 1968 election.Contrast Ackerman's model with the model of change that Sandy Levinson and I have proposed. [read post]
1 Aug 2016, 5:00 am by JB
Then for these people at least, Donald Trump is a one man constitutional crisis.Let me explain.In previous work, Sandy Levinson and I have offered a theory and a typology of constitutional crises. [read post]
2 Aug 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
This post was prepared for a roundtable on Wrestling with Religious Diversity, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
2 Aug 2011, 6:21 pm by Joey Fishkin
I think this is yet another area where Jack’s analogy (or really, Sandy Levinson’s analogy, which Jack credits generously) between constitutional faith and religious faith, between the Bible and the Constitution, is highly instructive. [read post]
2 May 2022, 7:28 am by Guest Blogger
Guest Blogger This post was prepared for a roundtable on Reforming the Supreme Court of the United States, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]
21 May 2022, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
Guest Blogger This post was prepared for a roundtable onPublic Memory and Public Monuments, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]