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28 Jun 2024, 5:59 pm
 Pix credit hereThe ABA Senior Lawyers Division (SLD) and the National Security Committee of the ABA International Law Section (ILS) recently hosted Mark Zaid and Rob "Butch" Bracknell who spoke about the history of, legal status of, and issues surrounding what has come to be called "Havana Syndrome" but perhaps more accurately known as Anomalous Health Incidents. [read post]
1 Feb 2024, 7:00 am by Norman L. Eisen
Trump, Case No.: 1:23-cv-03773 (civil removal proceedings) Order granting Trump notice of motion to dismiss 2nd Circuit appeal of district court order denying his removal petition in New York (Nov. 15, 2023) Trump notice of motion to dismiss 2nd Circuit appeal of district court order denying his removal petition in New York (Nov. 14, 2023) Trump notice of appeal to 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals (July 28, 2023) Order and opinion denying Trump motion to remove and granting State of New York motion to… [read post]
4 Oct 2023, 7:29 am by Norman L. Eisen
Trump, Case No.: 1:23-cv-03773 (civil removal proceedings) Trump notice of appeal to 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals (July 28, 2023) Order and opinion denying Trump motion to remove and granting State of New York motion to remand (July 19, 2023) Order regulating removal evidentiary hearing (June 23, 2023) State of New York memorandum of law in support of its reply in support of its motion to remand (June 23, 2023) Joint letter in agreement on procedures and evidence at removal evidentiary hearing (June… [read post]
16 Mar 2023, 7:46 am by Larry
Crown Cork & Seal USA, Inc. [read post]