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2 Aug 2015, 2:02 pm by Shima Baradaran
Seth Stoughton (South Carolina) organized this great panel and Alex Kreit (Thomas Jefferson), Frank Snyder (Texas A&M), Carissa Hessick (Utah), Doug Berman (OSU), Tessa Davis (South Carolina), Suzan Rochelle (Stetson), Arnold Lowey (Texas Tech), Brenda Smith (American U.), Susan Rozelle (Stetson), Caprice Roberts (Savannah) and Andy Wright (Savannah) and some others I am forgetting participated...sorry guys) What did I learn about vice? [read post]
10 Apr 2015, 5:20 am by SHG
   One debater, South Carolina law professor and former police officer Seth Stoughton, raised a deeply disconcerting point: Every time a police shooting gets national attention, the difference in the conflicting attitudes that civilians and law enforcement have toward the use of force is glaring. [read post]