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30 Apr 2022, 5:04 am by Just Security
Russia – Ukraine “The Hour These Hostilities Began”: Ukrainians Mobilize to Document War Crimes by Roman Romanov (@r_romanov) Russian Landmines in Ukraine: The Most Relevant Treaty by Michael Matheson Remarks at UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Ensuring Accountability for Atrocities Committed by Russia in Ukraine by Amal Clooney United Nations Reform The United Nations in Hindsight: Challenging the Power of the Security Council Veto by Shamala Kandiah… [read post]
1 Oct 2022, 5:34 am by Just Security
by Tom Dannenbaum (@tomdannenbaum) Russia – General A Different Kind of Russian Threat – Seeking to Install Its Candidate Atop Telecommunications Standards Body by Mark Montgomery (@MarkCMontgomery) and Ivana Stradner How Congress Should Designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism by Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk (@WuerthIngrid) Iran Dancing with the ‘Devil’ in Iran: Why Negotiations with Tehran are Necessary by Barbara Slavin (@barbaraslavin1) UN Security Council Reform The United… [read post]
29 Jul 2022, 6:15 am by Tess Graham
Gordon Gray (@AmbGordonGray) (June 28, 2022) An Offer NATO Cannot (and Should Not) Refuse: Finland’s Membershipby Laleh Ispahani (@lispahani) (May 12, 2022) Remarks at UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Ensuring Accountability for Atrocities Committed by Russia in Ukraineby Amal Clooney (April 28, 2022) The United Nations in Hindsight: Challenging the Power of the Security Council Veto by Shamala Kandiah Thompson (@skandiah), Karin Landgren (@LandgrenKarin)… [read post]
8 Jul 2023, 10:45 pm by Tess Graham
Gordon Gray (@AmbGordonGray) (June 28, 2022) An Offer NATO Cannot (and Should Not) Refuse: Finland’s Membershipby Laleh Ispahani (@lispahani) (May 12, 2022) Remarks at UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting on Ensuring Accountability for Atrocities Committed by Russia in Ukraineby Amal Clooney (April 28, 2022) The United Nations in Hindsight: Challenging the Power of the Security Council Veto by Shamala Kandiah Thompson (@skandiah), Karin Landgren (@LandgrenKarin)… [read post]