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8 Aug 2019, 6:34 am
It is with profound sadness that IPkat reports that Professor Shamnad Basheer, 43 years of age, passed away earlier today in his beloved India, where he was born and flourished. [read post]
11 Aug 2019, 6:25 am
Shamnad Basheer was one of the handful of people in the IP world who was larger than life. [read post]
3 Nov 2019, 6:21 am
Less than three months ago, Professor Shamnad Basheer from India had his singular career in IP and social justice cut short at the age of 43 (here and here). [read post]
26 Aug 2019, 5:18 am
It has been less than three weeks since the death of Shamnad Basheer, and his loss weighs heavily on many of us in the IP world. [read post]
17 Mar 2009, 10:00 am
Links: People Shamnad Basheer - [] [read post]
27 Feb 2007, 5:02 pm
I would like to know Shamnad Basheer's comment. [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 4:53 pm by Kate
The biggest patent filters in the US; Microsoft & Google patents, strategy and mobile technology; WIPO spammer – 19th Century notions and 21st Century scams; and Shamnad Basheer’s IPAB and Copyright Board challenge in India. [read post]
15 Apr 2009, 9:42 pm
  Links: Previous post at IP Think Tank and related links - [] People Shamnad Basheer - [] Nicholas Gruen - []   [read post]
21 Apr 2009, 8:43 am
Links: People Shamnad Basheer - [] Sharon Oriel - [] William New - [] [read post]
16 Feb 2009, 9:00 pm
  Links: People Jeremy Phillips - [] Shamnad Basheer - [] Nick Redfearn - [] Don Zuhn - [] Other The two books mentioned by Nick Redfearn at the end of the show: Will Hutton - Writing on the wall Anil Gupta - Getting China and India right [read post]
3 Dec 2008, 1:51 pm
In this week’s call, regular panellists Jeremy Philips, Shamnad Basheer and Duncan Bucknell chat about: The Intel European Court of Justice Decision Well known marks and trade mark dilution in Europe and in India Ongoing debate about the legal status of the Indian Patents Manual Software patents in India; and Sir Hugh Laddie’s incredible contribution and our collective condolences on the sad news of his passing We hope you enjoy this weeks… [read post]
3 Sep 2012, 7:55 pm by Nick Robinson
As reported in Legally India and Bar and Bench, the pharmaceutical company NATCO has brought a defamation suit against Shamnad Basheer claiming that the blog he runs - Spicy IP - ran a blog post that defamed the company. [read post]
22 Jan 2011, 9:25 pm by GenericIPguy
Promoting Public Interest Lawyering (P-PIL) - an initiative started by Shamnad Basheer - filed a writ petition last week at the Chennai High Court, questioning the competence and independence of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.Arvind Datar - senior counsel- was to argue the brief. [read post]
20 Jan 2009, 1:09 am
  In this week’s call, regular panellists Shamnad Basheer and Duncan Bucknell are joined by special guest, Joff Wild to discuss: The impact of Barack Obama on US IP policy  The dramatic increase in foreign filing rate at the USPTO  Whether senior management at IP offices should come from an IP background  Patent Quality and open innovation  IP strategy at IBM and Microsoft, and  The impact of… [read post]
28 Dec 2008, 2:45 pm
In the our 12 December 2008 podcast, regular panellists Jeremy Philips, Shamnad Basheer and I were discussed the recently tabled Indian 'Bayh Dole Act' (the Protection and Utilisation of Public Funded Intellectual Property Bill 2008). [read post]
24 Apr 2009, 2:31 am
Currently, it seems that NUJS is doing extremely well on this front, having recruited both Sudhir Krishnaswamy and Shamnad Basheer. [read post]
8 Apr 2015, 6:37 pm by Admin
Prachi Kumari The Madras HC in the case of Shamnad Basheer v. [read post]
5 Jan 2009, 6:58 pm
  This week’s show features a fiery debate amongst regular panellists Jeremy Philips, Shamnad Basheer and Duncan Bucknell about copyright and moral rights terms, particularly for famous authors. [read post]