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24 Aug 2008, 2:41 am
Welcome to Shaunna Mireau, librarian at Field Law in Edmonton, and one of our newest core contributors. [read post]
19 Jul 2018, 12:58 pm
The vote At ELLA’s 2018 was unanimous: long-standing, untiring, and retiring member Shaunna Mireau was to be awarded an honourary lifetime membership to ELLA. [read post]
24 Sep 2015, 9:36 am
Three screen shots of slides illustrate why: This is the reason that I am at #IN_LegaltechTO listening to @FredHeadon — Shaunna Mireau (@smireau) September 24, 2015 Cipparone #IN_LegaltechTO #greatslide #greatmessage — Shaunna Mireau (@smireau) September 24, 2015 @BAlarie #IN_LegaltechTO thicker #law – an opportunity to allow cognitive computing to give value answers… [read post]
1 Dec 2010, 10:22 pm
A new program to provide long-term preservation for digital legal periodicals was announced on 1 December 2010 by the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress), according to a post by Shaunna Mireau. [read post]
11 May 2016, 8:20 am
Shaunna Mireau, Director of Knowledge Management and Process Improvement at Field Law, reports on an interesting development on the reporting of UK law. [read post]
30 Sep 2018, 9:23 am
Julie Rainey (ELLA co-chair) followed this by reading the blog post about Shaunna Mireau who was … Continue reading → [read post]
20 Oct 2009, 10:54 am
At the request of VLC Chair Shaunna Mireau, who is boarding a plane to NYC, I’d like to relay the 2010 anticipated price increases from publishers in the Canadian market. [read post]
26 Oct 2012, 9:14 am
As mentioned by Shaunna Mireau on Slaw, ILTA's new white paper is pretty slick. [read post]
21 Sep 2009, 3:40 pm
According to an interesting article posted by Shaunna Mireau, ‘Substitutional Service via Facebook in Alberta’ on Slaw, on February 5, 2009 Master Breitkreuz ordered in Knott v. [read post]
18 Jun 2013, 5:14 pm
[Source: Shaunna Mireau, editor of SlawTips] [read post]
30 Jul 2015, 4:02 pm
Shaunna Mireau, Director of Knowledge Management and Process Improvement at the Alberta-based firm Field Law, has published a series of Research Tips at on how to create deep links to specific sub-collections in major Canadian legal databases.They are: Deep Linking to LexisNexis Canada SourcesDeep Linking to Westlaw Canada Sources Deep Links to CanLII [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 8:01 pm
Shaunna Mireau of reported as follows: The February 5, 2009 Order of Master Breitkreuz from Knott v. [read post]
11 Mar 2020, 9:57 am
Shaunna Mireau, president of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL), has written a statement about the association's upcoming annual conference in Hamilton, ON on May 24-27, 2020.The event is scheduled to take place as planned.As Mireau explains: "There are currently no federal or provincial restrictions in place to prevent meetings and travel in Canada due to COVID-19 and there are no confirmed cases in Hamilton. [read post]
22 Jan 2013, 4:00 am
Dan Pinnington Research Use Storify to Save and Send Shaunna Mireau One of the things that we are careful to do in the Field Law Libraries is to make sure that the output of research is the way that it is needed. [read post]
12 Jul 2021, 1:28 pm
Our guests are Alan Kilpatrick, Co-Director of Legal Resources at the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Shaunna Mireau, Past-President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, and Kim Nayyer, Associate Dean of the Cornell Law School and President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries. [read post]
17 Jan 2022, 3:59 pm
""To learn more, we speak to three guests in today’s Law Society of Saskatchewan Legal Skies podcast episode: Alan Kilpatrick, Co-Director of Legal Resources at the Law Society of Saskatchewan, Shaunna Mireau, Past-President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries, and Kim Nayyer, Associate Dean of the Cornell Law School and President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries. [read post]
19 Nov 2013, 4:00 am
Research Contact Us Shaunna Mireau Through opportunities presented by the Canadian Association of Law Libraries and through my firm, I was able to attend the American Association of Law Libraries conference this year. [read post]
16 Jul 2013, 4:00 am
Research Acts Can Be Amended by Regulations Shaunna Mireau Oh legislation. [read post]
11 Mar 2014, 4:00 am
Research Check the Facts Shaunna Mireau This post first appeared on Slaw July 2, 2009 and it is still relevant advice. [read post]
25 Feb 2014, 4:00 am
Research Regulations Shaunna Mireau One of the things we don’t talk about much on the legal research side of things here at Slaw Tips are Regulations. [read post]