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23 Jun 2015, 8:20 am by Ronald Mann
Suffice it to say that those “super” adjectives have not, so far as I can tell, previously graced the United States Reports. [read post]
12 Jun 2015, 6:38 am by John Mikhail
”  This statement sounds very much like the interpretive principle underlying one of John Marshall’s most famous remarks in McCulloch v. [read post]
By Jared Klaus and Allen Carter State bar associations and other licensing boards were left like bleeding seals in shark-infested waters following the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision this February in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. [read post]
9 Jun 2015, 5:25 am by Amy Howe
United States, involving the prosecution of threats made on Facebook, was “something of an anticlimax. [read post]
9 Jun 2015, 5:00 am by John Ehrett
United States 14-1121Issue: (1) Whether a foreign seller's conduct can “involv[e] *** import trade or import commerce” even when the seller himself does not import any goods into the United States; (2) whether a foreign price-fixing agreement can have an effect on U.S. commerce that is “direct” and “gives rise to” a Sherman Act claim even when the agreement fixes prices only in foreign sales; and (3) whether… [read post]
5 Jun 2015, 9:33 am
Whelan was also not persuaded by these quotes: Roger Sherman: A congressional power to nullify state laws was “unnecessary, as the Courts of the States would not consider as valid any law contravening the Authority of the Union…. [read post]
4 Jun 2015, 5:56 am
On May 26, 2015, the Solicitor General’s office responded to the United States Supreme Court’s Oct. 14, 2014 invitation for the government’s views on the certioraripetition filed in Athena Cosmetics, Inc. v. [read post]
3 Jun 2015, 1:08 pm by Lucie Olejnikova
Team Members: Joseph Fortunato (3L), Sameer Ponkshe (3L) In this year’s competition titled United States v. [read post]
If pursued, the DOJ’s probe could be the biggest antitrust hit taken by the movie theater industry since the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision in United States v. [read post]
9 Mar 2015, 3:58 pm by Sean Hanover
United States, 287 U.S. 435, 458-59 (1932) (separate opinion of Justice Roberts); Sherman v. [read post]
20 Feb 2015, 4:13 pm by Dmitry Karshtedt
The case proceeded to trial on Sherman Act Section 1 claim of conspiracy in restraint of trade, Section 2 claim of monopolization, and related state law claims. [read post]
12 Feb 2015, 3:15 pm by Andrew Frisch
Nevertheless, both the district court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit concluded that the expert testimony was sufficient to establish that damages resulting from the “overbuilder” theory of injury were measurable on a classwide basis. [read post]