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24 Aug 2010, 8:49 am
This morning, I read Shireen Smith’s @azrights excellent post following up on Susskind’s The End of Lawyers and the unafforability of legal services for most start up and even established small businesses. [read post]
12 Mar 2010, 7:02 am
But Shireen Ally, a sociologist at the University of the Witw [read post]
10 Mar 2010, 8:11 am
Sponsors of this glorious celebration of intellectual property are (in alphabetical order):IP big-hitters Bristows: nuts and nibbles Major academic IP, law and economics publishers Edward Elgar Publishing: soft cheese Shireen Smith's bright and imaginative law firm Azrights: red wine Euromoney, publishers of Managing Intellectual Property magazine: white wine Leading IP, media and high-tech practice Olswang LLP: venue, teas and coffeesThomson Reuters (alias Sweet &… [read post]
8 Mar 2010, 2:30 am
Geri Dreiling offers tips on how to make your web-based legal content better and Shireen Smith explains why you should be aware of and monitor your online reputation. [read post]
29 Jan 2010, 3:39 am
The IPKat's friend, UK-based fellow blogger Shireen Smith writes: "Given all the discussions generated by Richard Susskind’s ‘End of Lawyers? [read post]
28 Aug 2009, 5:12 am
Then on 10 November 2009 there's "Protecting Brands Online", chaired by the IPKat's friend and respected colleague Shireen Smith and a revisiting of the issues tackled in Shireen's very popular conference last year. [read post]
7 Aug 2009, 9:49 am
, Build A Solo Practice @ SPU (Mar. 25, 2009); Shireen Smith, The End of Lawyers? [read post]
20 May 2009, 12:16 am
This meeting, hosted in the US Bank Centre Building by Leydig, Voit & Mayer Ltd, was conducted dynamically by Alfred Strahlberg (shown, right, with UK-based trade mark celebrity and bonnie fighter Shireen Smith), who expertly led the assembled experts through a selection of problems and solutions relating to the gap between users' demands regarding international trade mark filing and the resources and ability of the World Intellectual Property Organization's… [read post]
12 May 2009, 4:02 am
Last week, in what appeared to be a matter of relatively minor interest, the IPKat's friend Shireen Smith (Azrights) issued a Tweet which read:"Today 3 clients contacted me about a demand for £573.40 which they've received from Community Trade Mark Filing service of Liverpool. [read post]
9 Mar 2009, 12:33 am
The IPKat's friend and fellow-blogger Shireen Smith wonders whether anyone who works for Deckers reads her blog. [read post]
13 Feb 2009, 7:03 am
Complimentary admission to the excellent one-day conference on Domains, Domain Disputes and Brands, chaired by the dynamic Shireen Smith and taking place on 25 March in Central London (click here for the programme details). [read post]
20 Jan 2009, 11:29 am
Some popular threads include discussions on how to get comments on your blog and a follow-up to the question of how blogging can help business development: How to get comments: London solicitor Shireen Smith asks for advice on how to boost reader presence on her IP Brands Blog. [read post]
29 Dec 2008, 8:39 am
London-based IP practitioner and blogger Shireen Smith writes to tell the IPKat's readers of a potentially very important development. [read post]
3 Aug 2008, 2:39 pm
The IPKat's friend and fellow blogger, Shireen Smith (Azrights Solicitors and the IP-Lite -- soon to be relaunching as IP Brands -- and SOLO IP weblogs) is hoping to boost her North London firm's IP litigation capacity. [read post]
25 Jul 2008, 4:45 pm
Scotland now has four IP judges: Lord Emslie, Lady Smith, Lord Hodge and Lord Malcolm. [read post]