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23 Oct 2024, 12:57 pm by Leah Durant
While this litigation is notable in that it is shedding light on risks potentially associated with AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccines, it is not possible for individuals and families in the United States to file similar lawsuits. [read post]
15 Oct 2024, 4:37 am by Ambrosio Rodriguez
Schedule I According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Schedule I drugs generally have no currently acceptable medicinal application and are likely to be abused. [read post]
13 Oct 2024, 10:00 pm by Megan Corrarino
Today, Oct. 14, is Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the United States. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 12:44 pm by Guest Author
” (23) We have no special claim to assess these arguments from within the United States legal system. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 11:30 am by David J. Clark, Daniel R. Levy
As readers of this blog are probably aware, back in August, the FTC’s noncompete ban was blocked when the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas issued a memorandum opinion and order in Ryan LLC v. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 6:45 am by Dan Bressler
Rob Bezdjian, who owns a small events business in Salt Lake City, said he had an awkward call with potential investors after they insisted on recording a meeting through Otter. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 5:12 am by Robin E. Kobayashi
If a subcontractor does not have a license from the State Contractor’s Board or workers’ compensation insurance, liability for injuries to a subcontractor’s worker is imputed to the general contractor. 6. [read post]
8 Oct 2024, 4:32 am by Curtis Bradley
In fact, in recent years the use of the Article II treaty process has slowed to a trickle, so almost all binding international agreements concluded by the United States have been executive agreements. [read post]
7 Oct 2024, 1:10 pm by Asheesh Agarwal
Of course, the United States must enforce the antitrust laws in an evenhanded and measured manner against all companies, including our largest technology companies. [read post]
7 Oct 2024, 4:32 am by Curtis Bradley
The country has grown from a small group of former colonies along the eastern seaboard to fifty states including Alaska and Hawaii. [read post]
6 Oct 2024, 9:01 pm by ngodridge
May 29, 2024). [3]     National Small Business United, d/b/a the National Small Business Association, et al. v. [read post]
4 Oct 2024, 12:30 pm by John Ross
Postal Service, seeking disclosure of aggregated, anonymized change-of-address data to produce reports about movement trends in the United States—data that reporters have obtained in the past. [read post]