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29 Jun 2020, 2:11 pm
Congratulations to Ivon Padilla-Rodriguez, Columbia University, and former LHB Associate Blogger Smita Ghosh, University of Pennsylvania, who is currently a Research Fellow at Georgetown University Law Center, on being named Kathryn T. [read post]
28 Jul 2021, 8:55 am
The Immigration Article of the Day is: Learning to Detain Asylum Seekers and the Growth of Mass Immigration Detention in the United States by Smita Ghosh and Mary Hoopes. [read post]
25 Feb 2020, 6:30 am
[We are grateful to Smita Ghosh, a JD/ABD at the University of Pennsylvania (and former Associate Legal History Blogger) for this roundup of recent legal history posts on Jotwell. [read post]
4 Dec 2020, 7:08 am
Writing in the Washington Post, Smita Ghosh, a research fellow at Georgetown University Law Center (and here) argues that the Trump administration’s recent expansion of the expedited removal policy — which allows for the removal from the United States of... [read post]
12 Sep 2022, 9:30 pm
Smita Ghosh, Appellate Counsel, Constitutional Accountability Center, and a former LHB Associate Blogger, has published Border Games in the Michigan Journal of Law and Society:Immigration prisons have become central to immigration law enforcement. [read post]
13 Dec 2015, 9:30 pm
They are:Brooke Depenbusch (University of Minnesota)Smita Ghosh (University of Pennsylvania)Alexandra Havrylyshyn (University of California, Berkeley)Amanda Hughett (Duke University)Mary Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)Jeffrey Thomas Perry (Purdue University)Kathryn Schumaker (University of Oklahoma)Evan Taparata (University of Minnesota)Lee B. [read post]
26 Sep 2016, 6:30 am
Stephanie McCurry (Columbia U)[From Associate Blogger Smita Ghosh:] The University of Pennsylvania's Legal History Consortium proudly presents the Law &History Workshop, the venue for six exciting presentations this academic year. [read post]
18 Nov 2020, 7:30 am
In Padilla-Rodriguez’s gifted hands, contemporary policies of immigration detention emerge as part of a long, sad history, rather than as a fresh departure.Smita Ghosh, “Policing the ‘Police State’: Detention, Supervision, and Deportation During the Cold War” Smita Ghosh offers a fascinating account of the fight against the detention, supervision, and deportation of “red,” or communist, aliens. [read post]
25 Oct 2019, 3:30 am
Smita Ghosh What happens to presidential statements in court? [read post]
21 Mar 2017, 9:30 pm
., Stanford University)Scott De Orio (Ph.D. candidate, University of Michigan)Brooke Depenbusch (Ph.D. candidate, University of Minnesota)Smita Ghosh (Ph.D. candidate, University of Pennsylvania) (J.D., University of Pennsylvania)Brendan Gillis (Hench Post-Dissertation Fellow, American Antiquarian Society) (Ph.D., Indiana University)Elizabeth Lhost (Ph.D. candidate, University of Chicago)Sara Ludin (Ph.D. candidate, University of California, Berkeley)Jane Manners (Samuel I. [read post]
30 Apr 2016, 11:31 am
LHB readers may recall Smita Ghosh’s panel recaps for the ASLH's annual meeting and recent conferences at Columbia on incarceration and at Princeton on life and law in rural America. [read post]
9 Apr 2016, 11:37 am
Smita Ghosh’s recent post on a one-off conference at Columbia University and Karen’s recent tweet inviting posts on legal history panels at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians prompt me to second Karen and also to invite submissions of comments delivered on such occasions, revised so that non-attendees can catch your drift. [read post]
29 Mar 2016, 11:00 am
We’re happy to have three of those legal historians provide us with panel recaps this week: Brooke Depenbusch, Smita Ghosh, and Jillian Jacklin will all contribute. [read post]
6 Feb 2024, 7:15 pm
” Online at Slate, Smita Ghosh has a Jurisprudence essay titled “There’s a Huge Originalist Hole in Trump’s Argument for Staying on the Ballot. [read post]
8 Mar 2016, 6:30 am
That said, we were pleased to see papers by Anne Fleming, Georgetown University Law Center (“Expertise without Activism: The Russell Sage Foundation and Consumer Lending”) and Smita Ghosh, University of Pennsylvania (“Managing Borders in the Post-Civil Rights Era”) as well as the following panels:Policymaking in the Human Rights Context, with Clara Altman, Federal History Office, chairing and commenting on papers from Tim Lovelace, Indiana University… [read post]
19 Jul 2019, 9:30 pm
From the Washington Post's Made by History section: Ariela Gross (USC) and Alejandro de la Fuente (Harvard University) on the history of racialized understandings of citizenship; Smita Ghosh (Georgetown University) on migrant detention; Carly Goodman (co-editor, Made by History), S. [read post]
4 Nov 2015, 9:30 pm
Ghosh’s report. [read post]
8 Apr 2016, 11:59 am
[We are very grateful to Smita Ghosh, JD, Class of 2014, and PhD Candidate, American Legal History, at the University of Pennsylvania, for this report!] [read post]
1 Apr 2016, 11:00 am
As conference co-organizer, Emily Prifogle similarly expressed in her post, I apologize if I have misrepresented in any way, the intentions of each of the contributors: Smita Ghosh, Tyler Gray Greene, Vanessa Guzman, and Daniel Platt. [read post]
13 Sep 2020, 9:30 pm
Eastern Standard Time.American Society for Legal History, Virtual Mini-Conference November 13-14, 2020Friday, November 13, 202010:30-12:00: Panel 1 – The Everyday Materials of Colonial Legal SpacesIntroductionKalyani Ramnath, Harvard University“Half Real: Space, Imagination and the Juzgado de Indios in Spanish America”Bianca Premo, Florida International University“Paper, People, Cloth: Mixed Courtrooms and Materiality in Colonial Indonesia”Sanne Ravensbergen, Leiden… [read post]