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31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
The gap between how much wind and solar energy we need to install to curb climate change and how much we are projected to add in a business-as-usual case will get wider over the next few decades. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
Deep in the heart of Austin, Texas, at the Green Tech Media’s U.S. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
Following up on Governor Cuomo’s ambitious energy efficiency targets announced on Earth Day, New York State has been hard at work. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
As Governor Cuomo prepares to announce a comprehensive energy efficiency framework on Earth Day and continues to move forward with New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) strategy, it is impor [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
This Valentine’s day, NRDC, along with 48 organizations, sent a letter to Governor Cuomo expressing support for energy efficiency and urging him to show his love for clean en [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
In a win for solar power in New York, the state’s Public Service Commission (PSC) released an order expected to encourage more communities to pursue shared solar projects by increasing the max [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
The latest Sustainable Energy in America Factbook showed that 2017 was a landmark year in energy efficiency and renewable energy: wind and solar installations surged and greenhouse gas emissions declined to the lowest level that they ha [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
This blog was authored by Samantha Caputo, Policy and Research Associate at Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP). [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
Achieving New York’s climate and clean energy goals hinges upon a comprehensive and ambitious plan to increase energy efficiency savings in New York across all fuels. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
The New York State Assembly should reject Assembly Bill A.9053A, which would unfairly prohibit state funding for wind power facilities in six large areas near the [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
This blog was authored by Peter Ross, Energy Law and Policy Fellow, at the Frank J. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
One of New York’s largest electric utilities, National Grid, is proposing a lackluster energy efficiency program for 2018-2020 that is inconsistent with New York’s clean energy and climate change goals. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
New Yorkers could save more than $7 billion on their energy bills while avoiding 15 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution within seven years if Gov. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
When one imagines innovation, perhaps the U.S. electric grid is not the first thing that comes to mind. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
More energy efficiency can help New Yorkers create new good clean energy jobs, enjoy better health, and save billions, as a NRDC fact sheet published today shows. [read post]
31 Dec 1969, 4:00 pm
This blog was co-authored with Stephan Roundtree, Jr., Environmental Policy and Advocacy Coordinator at WE ACT for Environmental Justice [read post]