Search for: "State v. Plumes" Results 1 - 20 of 54
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4 Feb 2012, 8:09 am by Rick St. Hilaire
Photo: Giovani V; CC.CONTACT: ©2010-2011 Ricardo A. [read post]
30 Nov 2021, 1:26 am by Tom Smith
They point to an earlier parochial school funding case, Mitchell v. [read post]
19 May 2023, 11:25 am by Matthew Campbell
Kevin Stitt recently vetoed Oklahoma Senate Bill 429, passed by the state legislature with near unanimous bipartisan support to prohibit discriminatory graduation dress codes. [read post]
13 Aug 2008, 4:05 pm
From: Findlaw Legal Documents, August 12, 2008 Dismissal of CIA Leak Case Affirmed WILSON V. [read post]
11 Jun 2012, 8:22 pm by Max Kennerly, Esq.
The Oatmeal (nom de plume for Matthew Inman) writes and draws original comics. [read post]
14 Mar 2012, 8:20 am
Maryland Square, LLC  that the Constitution bars the application of RCRA’s citizen suit provision in the case of a local groundwater contamination plume: The central issue in this case is an alleged contamination plume located in Las Vegas, Nevada. [read post]