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11 Oct 2007, 9:42 am
The Supreme Court granted a Writ of Certiorari on March 26, 2007 in the case of Stoneridge Investment Partners LLC v. [read post]
21 Sep 2011, 1:49 pm by nflatow
Both a new study on the unreliability of eyewitness testimony and a case the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear in November on the subject, Perry v. [read post]
9 Jul 2007, 10:33 pm
Saxbe Designated Professor of Law, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University Tom Cochran, Assistant Federal Public Defender, Middle District of North Carolina (Attorney for [sic] Vincent Rita, Rita v. [read post]
4 Feb 2018, 3:00 am by NCC Staff
On November 13, 1956, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Browder v. [read post]
31 Jul 2007, 6:05 am
In the brief, the members note that, if the Supreme Court decides against investors in this case, third parties will effectively be immune from suit no matter how reprehensible their conduct.In the case of Stoneridge Investment Partners, LLC v. [read post]