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2 Nov 2023, 1:55 pm by David Cole
As the letter states, such “investigations chill speech, foster an atmosphere of mutual suspicion, and betray the spirit of free inquiry. [read post]
2 Nov 2023, 11:15 am by Unknown
Freeman, 92 U.S. 275 (1875) [preprint]- Chapter 4: Commentary on United States v. [read post]
31 Oct 2023, 6:49 am by The Petrie-Flom Center Staff
Given that UN agencies have mandates that give differential emphasis to one or more human right obligations, the Principles’ framework could foster common understanding that may be both epistemic and applied. [read post]
31 Oct 2023, 6:26 am
The rapid speed at which AI capabilities are advancing compels the United States to lead in this moment for the sake of our security, economy, and society. [read post]
20 Oct 2023, 11:03 pm by Blair & Kim, PLLC
It also found the mother had “fostered and supported the bonded and dependent relationship. . . [read post]
19 Oct 2023, 7:06 pm
The last is that of post-colonial and post-imperial national orders brought to its current state of expression in the bodies of states liberated from the formal domination of other states  a lifetime ago (measured by the life span of a human) and expressed through the magisterium of that is the constant state of oppression against which all national existence is gauged. [read post]
19 Oct 2023, 2:01 pm by Cory Carlson
Such consistent application fosters predictability within the system of law, and predictability is arguably the key selling point of The Common Law legal system. [read post]
3 Oct 2023, 4:15 am by Howard Friedman
To the contrary, Maddonna could foster the same children at any of twenty-six other private agencies in the State... or with the State itself.... [read post]