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13 Jul 2009, 8:39 am
Opponents of the death penalty in many other states, and in Congress, have been floating similar legislation since 1987, when the Supreme Court handed down an influential decision in a case known as McCleskey v. [read post]
24 Jun 2009, 2:54 am
Rick Kittel and KU Defender Project student Sebastien Orosco won in State v. [read post]
18 Mar 2009, 8:27 am
  Personal Vehicles & Congestion Pricing As the rate of vehicle ownership has increased in the United States, so has the amount of miles traveled. [read post]
25 Feb 2009, 1:52 am
Robert Richardson, No. 100,445 (Lyon)Direct appeal (transfer); Intentional exposure to HIVLydia KrebsWhether intentional exposure to HIV is specific intent crimeInsuffuficient evidenceVaguenessMarch 25-Wednesday-a.m.State v. [read post]
22 Jan 2009, 1:29 pm
The counsel who argued for the government in United States v. [read post]
20 Dec 2008, 2:00 am
v Davenport Lyons – the saga continues (IPKat) IPO guidance on patentability of computer programs following Symbian comes under criticism (Managing Intellectual Property) (Out-Law)   United States US - General The twelve days of EFF (EFF) Wall Street Journal reports Obama, Lessig and Google have shifted their positions on net neutrality; Google, Lessig slam WSJ report (Lessig) (IPTAblog) (Lessig) (Techdirt) (Excess Copyright) (Ars Technica) (Public… [read post]
15 Dec 2008, 4:10 pm
Here is an Emporia Gazette article reporting that the state dismissed attempted intentional second-degree murder charges in State v. [read post]