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4 Jul 2024, 1:06 pm by Randy E. Barnett
(2021) Donald Drakeman, The Hollow Core of Constitutional Theory: Why We Need the Framers (2021) Jamal Greene, How Rights Went Wrong: Why Our Obsession With Rights is Tearing America Apart (2021) David Schwartz, The Spirit of the Constitution: John Marshall and the 200-Year Odyssey of McCulloch v. [read post]
21 Jun 2024, 12:56 pm by Shawn Dominy
  Third, in the most recent blood test case in the United States Supreme Court, Mitchell v. [read post]
16 Jun 2024, 4:16 pm by INFORRM
The claimant, who formerly worked as a recruitment consultant for the defendant’s agency, sued the defendant for an email she sent to her new employer, stating that she was in breach of her contract by contacting her old clients. [read post]
10 Jun 2024, 9:30 pm by ernst
Part II, which will run in our Fall / Winter ’24 issue, will focus on the post-World War II decades when the pendulum began to swing the other way and state law evolved to make voting easier and broaden voting rights, while maintaining the integrity of voting systems.Next, Mitchell Keiter looks back at the Robins v. [read post]
10 May 2024, 12:04 am by Katherine Morris
On 8 March 2024, Judge Russell SC delivered judgment in SafeWork NSW v Miller Logistics Pty Ltd; SafeWork NSW v Mitchell Doble [2024] NSWDC 58 (Doble). [read post]
23 Apr 2024, 6:41 am by Dan Bressler
” “In support of this argument, IMTC cited two foreign (and therefore non-binding) cases in which no conflict of interest was found to exist: Jones v AMP Perpetual Trustee Company NZ Ltd (1994) (New Zealand) and HSBC (HK) Ltd v Secretary of State for Justice (2001) (Hong Kong). [read post]
18 Apr 2024, 11:02 am by Josh Blackman
As Jonathan Mitchell explains, and Whole Woman's Health v. [read post]
18 Mar 2024, 9:30 am by Guest Blogger
This post provides a brief update.On March 26, Food and Drug Administration v. [read post]