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1 Jun 2011, 8:17 am by clee
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch client Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce offered the following statements today regarding the Supreme Court’s decision upholding the constitutionality of Arizona’s “Legal Arizona Workers Act,” legislation crafted by Pearce to penalize Arizona businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens (Chamber of Commerce v. [read post]
25 Jun 2012, 1:01 pm by Susan I. Nelson
It’s incredible to me that Russell Pearce, Governor Brewer, and other anti-immigrant groups are claiming victory in the Supreme Court’s decision today because one provision—2(B) was not struck down. [read post]
7 Jun 2010, 3:16 pm by immigrationprof
Even though the Supreme Court held in 1982 that a state cannot discriminate against undocument children in public school education (Plyler v. [read post]
Across the US, women’s health rights have been in a state of uncertainty since 2022, when the US Supreme Court decided in Dobbs v. [read post]
18 Aug 2011, 9:30 am by azatty
That may be the most generous analysis we can make in the latest turn in the battle over a recall election for State Senate President Russell Pearce. [read post]
6 Dec 2010, 9:22 am by gstasiewicz
Judicial Watch filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief on behalf of AZ State Senator Russell Pearce supporting Arizona’s “Legal Arizona Workers Act,” legislation crafted by State Senator Pearce to penalize Arizona businesses that knowingly hire illegal aliens. [read post]
4 Jan 2018, 4:55 pm by INFORRM
R v Pearce rehearses the arguments which relate to questions of anonymity – or not – in the context of prosecution of a child (considered in more detail with law references here). [read post]
3 Apr 2023, 2:18 am by Matrix Law
On Wednesday 5th April the Court will hand-down judgment in  R (on the application of Pearce and another) v Parole Board for England and Wales [2023] UKSC 13. [read post]
7 Sep 2010, 3:51 am
Employment-at-will status may be tempered by provisions in the employer’s policy manual or personnel handbook under certain conditionsPearce v Clinton Community College, 246 A.D.2d 775New York State is an “employment-at-will” state. [read post]