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3 Feb 2011, 10:53 am
The Ninth Circuit this week was forced to correct its earlier mistake of brushing aside the state's parole-suitability determinations, and imposing its own (or in Tash's case, that of a federal district judge). [read post]
13 Jun 2022, 12:43 pm
NSA in 2008, and our original case, Hepting v. [read post]
11 Dec 2007, 5:20 pm
This is a Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide for the State of Rhode Island. [read post]
4 Dec 2007, 7:37 am
The New Mexico Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide contains resources within the State of New Mexico . [read post]
19 Nov 2007, 7:55 am
The Coordinator met with Title V, Medicaid, the DD Council, ICC, state legislators and Iowa's congressional delegation, as well as representing our children with other parent, disability and child advocacy organizations. [read post]
23 Nov 2007, 7:05 am
Box 11166 Portland, ME 04104 Phone: (207) 675-3589 TASH TASH New England Web: Tourette Syndrome Maine/New Hampshire TSA Web: UCP UCP of Northeastern ME 700 Mt. [read post]
4 Nov 2007, 7:13 am
ALASKA STATE RESOURCES AGING Alaska Commission on Aging P.O. [read post]
30 Oct 2022, 12:54 am
Street preachers again The Times reports that the Metropolitan Police has paid £10,000 in damages and apologised to Hatun Tash, a Christian preacher who was wrongfully arrested at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park on two occasions. [read post]
1 Dec 2007, 7:15 am
The Nevada Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide contains State resources compiled by United Cerebral Palsy. [read post]
17 Dec 2007, 7:17 am
Partnerships are strong, with paid families working with Title V/CSHCN, the Medicaid agency, and the University of Vermont College of Medicine. [read post]
2 Dec 2007, 7:20 am
Box 197 North Salem, NH 03073 Phone: (603) 479-0560 Fax: (928) 438-9607 E-mail: Web: TASH TASH New England Web: Visual Impairments American Foundation for the Blind 11 Penn Plaza, Suite 300 New York, NY 10001 Phone: (212) 502-7600 TTY: (212) 502-7662 E-mail: Web: National Federation of the Blind of New Hampshire (NFB NH) P.O. [read post]
6 Dec 2007, 7:45 am
The North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide contains resources for those with cerebral palsy within the State of North Carolina. [read post]
12 Nov 2007, 7:50 am
Cystic Fibrosis Chapter 6917 Arlington Road, Suite 308 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 657-8444; (877) 657-8444 (Toll Free) Fax: (301) 652-9571 E-mail: Web: http://www.cff.orgmetrodc.htm Developmental Disabilities State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council MD Developmental Disabilities Council 300 West Lexington Street, Box 10 Baltimore, MD 21201-2323 Phone: (410) 333-3688 (V/TTY); (800) 305-6441 (Toll Free in MD only) E-mail: Web:… [read post]
5 Dec 2007, 7:39 am
The New York Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide contains resources for individuals with cerebral palsy within the State of New York. [read post]
8 Nov 2007, 7:56 am
COLORADO STATE RESOURCES AGING Colorado Association of Homes and Services for the Aging 1888 Sherman Street, Suite 610 Denver, CO 80203-1160 Phone: (303) 837-8834 Fax: (303) 837-8836 Aging and Adult Services Department of Social Services 110 16th Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 620-4147; (800) 544-9181 (Toll Free) AARP Colorado State Office 1301 Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 830-2277 Fax: (303) 764-5999 E-mail: Web:… [read post]
26 Nov 2007, 7:49 am
Box 308 Faribault, MN 55021-0308 Phone: (507) 332-5491 (V/TTY); (800) 657-3936 (V/TTY/Toll Free) DEAF, Inc. 413 Wacouta Street Suite 300 St. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 7:02 am
Family Voices Coordinators participate in several groups within the state, including Title V/CSHCN, DD Council, Part C agency, CHIP board and parent and child advocacy organizations. [read post]
11 Nov 2007, 8:11 am
Other partners include the district's Title V/CSHCN program. [read post]
27 Nov 2007, 12:01 pm
Box 1698 Jackson, MS 39215 Phone: (601) 987-4872 (V/TTY); (800) 852-8328 (V/TTY/Toll Free in MS) Web: T.K. [read post]
10 Nov 2007, 8:06 am
Frequent meetings with the Title V/CSHCN program, the state ICC, the Academy of Pediatrics' Medical Home project, as well as CHIP, and insurance employee benefits managers ensure strong, respectful partnerships. [read post]