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2 Dec 2012, 6:46 am by Jamison Koehler
United States, __ A.3d __ (2012), in which the court uses the Wardlow and Hodari D decisions to broaden the notions of both “consensual encounter” and “unprovoked flight” beyond all recognition. [read post]
2 Dec 2012, 6:46 am by Jamison Koehler
United States, __ A.3d __ (2012), in which the court uses the Wardlow and Hodari D decisions to broaden the notions of both “consensual encounter” and “unprovoked flight” beyond all recognition. [read post]
2 Feb 2013, 11:33 am by Brian Shiffrin
In Illinois v Wardlow (528 US 119 [2000]), the United States Supreme Court, by a 5-4 vote, held that a person in a high crime area fleeing at the sight of police is, by itself, sufficient to create reasonable suspicion, under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. [read post]
21 Jun 2011, 8:45 am by Kiera Flynn
Wardlow (2000), holding that unprovoked flight from the police may constitute reasonable suspicion justifying a brief investigative detention under Terry v. [read post]
12 May 2010, 3:36 pm by Rumpole
Judge Areces takes the first hit in our 3rd DCA roundup in State v. [read post]