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12 Oct 2010, 12:31 pm by Legal Tease of Sweet Hot Justice
Or the senior associate parading around the firm with a $75,000 bonus … and scuffed, square-toed rubber bootlets that debuted at Steve Madden circa 1994. [read post]
20 Feb 2007, 10:00 am
He will make an outstanding addition to the talented ranks of the team of young elected officials who represent us in Albany and at City Hall. [read post]
15 Jul 2011, 1:45 pm by Justin Tenuto
A man named Steve Vander Ark had wanted to publish a 400 page Potter encyclopedia, complete with annotations, but Rowling herself had plans to do the same. [read post]
10 Jan 2007, 7:38 am
Katrina Hall, lobbyist for the Indiana Farm Bureau, said some landowners who pay taxes to support such projects might actually live in another place. [read post]
19 Dec 2011, 12:56 pm by Jonathan Bailey
Public Domain – Deck the Halls “Deck the Halls” is a secular holiday song that originates from the 1800s. [read post]
6 Sep 2013, 4:00 am by Judith Gaskell
The presenter, Steve Hughes, was a bundle of energy with a wide array of ideas for spicing up talks. [read post]
20 Aug 2007, 9:55 am
"Essentially it's like throwing a dart on the wall and picking somebody on that basis," said Steve Hall, executive director of the StandDown Texas Project, an Austin-based organization pushing for changes in the criminal-justice system. [read post]
28 Sep 2007, 6:33 am
Steve Hall, executive director of the StandDown Texas Project, which advocates a moratorium on executions pending a state study, said Tuesday's execution might have come too soon after the high court's decision to review lethal injection for the justices to want to intervene in that case. [read post]
27 Dec 2009, 6:41 am by georgbrem
Chesnutt released 13 albums, most recently Skitter on Take-Off, and appeared at Carnegie Hall at an R.E.M. tribute in March of this year alongside Elf Power. [read post]
21 Feb 2007, 7:41 am
Then we stopped at a congressional office and after what I consider to be a good meeting with the aide to Congressman Steve Israel, I thought we would go to the Capitol Rotunda to see the place where the Supreme Court once met, and where Presidents lay in state. [read post]
4 Feb 2012, 9:18 am by Lovechilde
  He was a two-time All Star (1968 and 1976) and is a member of the Montreal Expos Hall of Fame. [read post]
25 Oct 2017, 1:13 pm by Edward Smith
Brentwood Haunted House I’m Ed Smith, a Brentwood Personal Injury Lawyer. [read post]
26 Jul 2023, 2:25 pm by Howard Knopf
Ariel Katz started in his “hall of fame” and “hall of shame” list. [read post]
17 Nov 2023, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
DOJ Argues Steve Wynn Foreign Lobbying Suit Should Be Reinstated Yahoo News – Sabrina Willmer (Bloomberg) | Published: 11/14/2023 A Justice Department attorney argued casino magnate Steve Wynn should have registered as a foreign agent when he alerted the Trump administration that China wanted to extradite a wealthy exile. [read post]
29 Apr 2007, 3:17 am
"Hall believes Arthur used that personality as a tool of crime. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Cooper jennifercooper Seattle Sarah Lucy Cooper SarahLucyCoope1 Birmingham City (UK) Caroline Mala Corbin CarolineMCorbin Miami Richard  Cornes  CornesLawNZUK  Essex (UK) Nathan Cortez nathancortez SMU Brenda Cossman BrendaCossman Toronto Adam Cox adambcox NYU Carys Craig CraigCarys Osgoode Hall Bridget Crawford profbcrawford Pace Susan Crawford scrawford Cardozo Dennis Crouch patentlyo Missouri César Cuauhtémoc Garcia Hernandez crimmigration Capital Emma… [read post]