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23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Greely HankGreelyLSJU Stanford Kent Greenfield Kentgreenfield1 Boston College Kate Greenwood Kate_Greenwood Seton Hall James Grimmelman grimmelm Maryland Ariela Gross arielagross USC Jill Gross profgross Pace Priya Gupta PriyaSGupta Southwestern Victoria Haneman TaxLawProf LaVerne Ian Haney Haney-Lopez IanHaneyLopez Berkeley Valerie Hans jurygirltweet Cornell Justin Hansford Blackstarjus St. [read post]
1 Mar 2013, 1:27 pm
McNeely: Last month, the ACLU’s Steve Shapiro argued before the Supreme Court that the Fourth Amendment requires the government to obtain a warrant before forcibly drawing blood from a DWI suspect. [read post]
4 Sep 2015, 6:24 am
From the States and Municipalities: California – FBI Raids Palm Springs City Hall in Corruption ProbeUSA Today – Jesse Marx and Kia Farhang (Palm Springs Desert Sun) | Published: 9/1/2015 The FBI and local agents raided Palm Springs City Hall and went to the mayor’s home as part of a corruption probe. [read post]
26 Apr 2024, 8:27 am
Sean Combs Accusations: A Timeline of Diddy Sean Combs vs Steve Stoute Just two years later though, the first widely publicized allegation against Diddy would occur in 1999. [read post]
25 Mar 2022, 12:30 pm
Portland, Ore. police officer pepper sprays woman outside City Hall. [read post]
15 Sep 2011, 3:33 pm
But for all that Texas law-and-order talk, it should be noted that generally, “Texas’ governor has very limited power with respect to capital punishment,” said Steve Hall, who was a staffer for the Texas attorney general in the 1980s. [read post]
30 Jun 2011, 7:00 am
We have all seen those mismatched couples from time to time, the beautiful, could-be model, and her boyfriend – who compared to her has a striking resemblance to Steve Buscemi. [read post]
12 Nov 2010, 5:21 am
She was walking her dog with her husband, Steve, along the road near their home. [read post]
13 Oct 2022, 11:26 am
Exhibit hall. [read post]
7 Dec 2010, 7:57 am
"Legal Challenge to the Death Penalty Begins in Texas," is the title of James C. [read post]
31 Mar 2023, 10:30 am
While this is a step in the direction that Halford-Hall and others were hoping for, they are concerned that it is not enough. [read post]
29 Mar 2024, 4:57 am
MOSCOW CONCERT HALL ATTACK Russia’s security services were aware of an ISIS threat days before last week’s Moscow concert hall attack, Russian intelligence documents obtained by a U.K. [read post]
19 Aug 2010, 10:42 am
My own U.C. law school class (King Hall, '80) was 50% women thirty years ago. [read post]
27 Oct 2021, 1:01 am
Need a guide to beer halls in Belgium? [read post]
20 Jul 2007, 11:18 pm
Morgan cemented his Hall of Fame career with the Reds, while Billingham and Geronimo were also solid contributors in the Reds' World Series teams of the 1970's. [read post]
21 May 2007, 10:34 pm
CEO Steve Ballmer witnessed the signing of an agreement Monday requiring all of Vietnam's government offices to use licensed computer software in a step to curb rampant piracy. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 12:39 pm
On the House side, 20 Republicans and 13 Democrats were named including: Representatives John Mica (R-FL), Don Young (R-AK), John Duncan (R-TN), Bill Shuster (R-PA), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Rick Crawford (R-AR), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R--WA), Larry Buschon (R-IN), Richard Hanna (R-NY), Steve Southerland (R-FL), James Lankford (R-OK), Reid Ribble (R-WI), Fred Upton (R-MI), Ed Whitfield (R-KY), Doc Hastings (R-WA), Rob Bishop (R-UT), Ralph… [read post]
8 Sep 2008, 3:12 pm
"And:"It is a matter of Texas courts turning an absolute blind eye to a situation that is in plain sight," says Steve Hall, director of the Standdown Texas Project, a criminal justice reform group. [read post]
7 Aug 2020, 5:48 am
Hall and Betty M. [read post]
9 Oct 2011, 7:54 am
-Steve K. [read post]