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13 Oct 2011, 1:48 pm by Nick Shekeryk
If the oft-uttered statement "you are what you eat" applied to blogging, Washington, D.C. attorney Steven Berk would be what he writes. [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 12:38 pm by Steven Berk
Steven Berk was interviewed by Colin O'Keefe at LXBN to break down the recent conviction of Allen Stanford. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 3:41 pm by Brian Wolfman
[You can read more from Steven Berk at his blog, The Corporate Observer. [read post]
2 Jan 2019, 4:23 am by Jamison Koehler
Felony 1 Calendar Judge Ronna Beck, Room 316 Judge Danya Dayson, Room 318 Judge Craig Iscoe, Room 313 Judge Milton Lee, Room 302 Judge Juliet McKenna, Room 215 Felony 2 Calendar Judge Steven Berk, Room 321 Judge Kimberley... [read post]
19 Oct 2011, 4:26 pm by Colin O'Keefe
The more and more I read of it, the more I greatly enjoy Steven Berk's highly-opinionated and entertaining posts on corporate misconduct. [read post]
26 May 2011, 4:55 pm by Colin O'Keefe
We've seen several 'fracking' law blogs join The LexBlog Network over the past few months as the controversial energy-obtaining practice steps into the spotlight; today, Steven Berk gives his take on the subject. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Steven Berk has quite the bombshell today: regulators knew banks were manipulating the Libor rate in 2008, during the financial crisis, and did nothing about it. [read post]
4 Aug 2009, 5:04 pm
One of my favorite posts from today has Steven Berk pointing out a rather ridiculous quote from the president of the Indoor Tanning Association. [read post]
7 Mar 2012, 4:15 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Steven Berk chimes in on Allen Stanford and, on LXBN TV, Max Kennerly explains why Sandra Fluke has a case for defamation against Rish Limbaugh. [read post]
15 Dec 2010, 4:26 pm by Colin O'Keefe
The Corporate Observer 2010 Holiday Wishlist - Washington, DC lawyer Steven Berk on his blog, A Voice For Main Street What To Do About Too Many Calories for "Sedentary Young Children"? [read post]
12 Sep 2012, 4:42 pm by Colin O'Keefe
If you haven’t already heard the story of Bradley Birkenfeld—the UBS banker turned whistleblower who earned $104 million for his efforts—be sure to check out Steven Berk’s post today. [read post]
21 Aug 2012, 5:36 pm by Jared Sulzdorf
  On the other hand, as Steven Berk articulated in his post today, whistleblowers face ridicule, unemployment, and a convoluted legal system. [read post]
12 Jul 2012, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
The LIBOR scandal, one that seemingly popped up out of nowhere, has been generating a lot of buzz today—Steven Berk has commentary on that. [read post]
31 Mar 2011, 4:32 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Drawing on 159 posts on The LexBlog Network, today's toss around the diamond includes great advice on the use of Twitter hashtags by #LauraGutierrez, insight on the Microsoft/Apple 'APP STORE' case from Stacia Lay and Steven Berk with a strong post on Walmart, Elizabeth Warren and discrimination. [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 4:49 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Tonight we have Dave Waller laying out what companies need to do to prevent others from registering their trademarks under .XXX addresses, Terry Lenamon and Reba Kennedy commenting on the Memphis Three, Steven Berk on the AT&T/T-Mobile merger and Max Kennerly giving his take on the NFL players' brain injury class action. [read post]
21 Aug 2012, 5:36 pm by Jared Sulzdorf
  On the other hand, as Steven Berk articulated in his post today, whistleblowers face ridicule, unemployment, and a convoluted legal system. [read post]
11 Nov 2011, 1:24 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Also, be sure to check out today's episode of LXBN TV with Steven Berk commenting on Citigroup and its proposed settlement with the SEC. [read post]
20 Jul 2012, 5:30 pm by Colin O'Keefe
For those of you who have heard of the Libor scandal but have no idea what it is because it’s too complex to understand, Steven Berk has you covered in today’s LXBN TV. [read post]
28 Nov 2011, 4:50 pm by Colin O'Keefe
On top of the great posts by Amy Greer and William McGrath, be sure to also check out Steven Berk offering up his opinion on the proposed settlement on LXBN TV. [read post]