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6 Feb 2024, 6:19 pm by Mark Ashton
See, Stone v. [read post]
3 Feb 2024, 9:52 am by Marty Lederman
  The short version is that it’s a stone-cold loser, not least because it would have absurd ramifications (such as that it would mean Jefferson Davis would’ve been disqualified from serving in virtually any federal or state office except the presidency and vice-presidency, and that the Foreign Emoluments Clause wouldn’t prohibit the President, Vice-President, and members of Congress from accepting titles, offices, gifts or emoluments from foreign… [read post]
25 Jan 2024, 12:53 am by David Pocklington
The earlier post “Sufficient interest” in faculty petitions concerns a petition for a confirmatory faculty for the introduction of an unauthorized ledger stone, and explores some features of “sufficient interest” in faculty petitions, Re St Lawrence Toot Baldon [2023] ECC Oxf 10. [read post]
17 Jan 2024, 4:44 am by Beatrice Yahia
Julie Tsirkin, Monica Alba, Frank Thorp V and Rebecca Kaplan report for NBC News. [read post]
15 Jan 2024, 12:20 am by David Pocklington
The petitioner had obtained the approval of the Team Vicar to the laying of a ledger stone in memory of his wife on the grave. [read post]
1 Jan 2024, 12:32 pm
Este nuevo convenio logra un respetuoso entendimiento y reafirma nuestros lazos históricos, protegiendo diferentes puntos de interés común para ambas instituciones religiosas, con cuyo hermanamiento, da continuidad a nuestros vínculos anteriormente suscritos y deja indisolublemente ligado a dos cultos con raíces y prácticas muy cercanas con origenes africanos. [read post]
28 Dec 2023, 4:25 pm by INFORRM
There were seven judgments handed down after full trials, only one of which concerned a claim against a mainstream media organisation: Dyson v MGN; Miller v Turner; Crobsie v Ley; Aaronson v Stones; LCG v OVD; Bekoe v Islington; Packham v Wightman and  Hay v Cresswell. [read post]
7 Dec 2023, 7:39 am