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19 Jul 2010, 9:09 am by (Ann Althouse)
And here's the book they're talking about: Stuart Buck's "Acting White: The Ironic Legacy of Desegregation. [read post]
10 Oct 2011, 4:32 am by Philip Thomas
Stuart Harmon of Jackson represented a defendant who was dismissed via a directed verdict. [read post]
21 Jul 2007, 3:19 pm
Pulling from Bob's post and comments, here's what I saw as the first 16 17 from youngest to oldest: SCOTUSblog by Tom Goldstein, Oct. 1, 2002Inter Alia by Tom Mighell, Aug. 18, 2002Jottings by an Employer's Lawyer by Michael Fox, July 17, 2002Vote Law by Ed Still, July 4, 2002TalkLeft by Jeralyn Merritt, June 2002The Buck Stops Here by Stuart Buck, May 25, 2002The Trademark Blog By Marty Schwimmer, May 18, 2002West Virginia Legal Weblog by Brian Peterson,… [read post]
16 Mar 2010, 9:33 am by Eugene Volokh
Stuart Buck has much more on the case; I’m not quite as skeptical about the decision as he is, but as the amicus brief points out, Hill has made this area into something of a mess, and the decision below reflects it. [read post]
13 Apr 2008, 9:47 am
E-mail Buck, who, btw, is the author of a terrific article in the next issue of LTN, about wikis. [read post]
13 Mar 2014, 11:46 am
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 24 fatalities in accidents involving large trucks in Bucks County between 2008 and 2012. [read post]
6 Mar 2007, 5:38 am
Obviously, this requires that book reviewers actually review a book, rather than use a new book as a mere foil for an excuse to write an essay about their own preferred view of a given topic (along with a few paragraphs tacked on at the end discussing why the book either confirms or fails to refute the reviewer's pre-existing opinion).Stuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart BuckStuart Buck [read post]
27 Jul 2011, 1:28 pm by Josh Bell, ACLU
Times wrote: Much has been written about how human and normal it is to follow orders; the less-mentioned corollary is that it is difficult to buck authority, to risk disapprobation and backlash to do the right thing… The ACLU is right that memories of past abuses shouldn't be allowed to fade. [read post]
15 May 2015, 3:48 pm by Zosha Millman
 – Constangy’s Robin Shea writing out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina on their Employment & Labor Insider Blue Bell Enters Consent Decree with Texas and Oklahoma (Likely Alabama Too) To Do What It Always Should Have Been Doing – Make Safe Food – Seattle attorney Bill Marler of Marler Clark on his Marler Blog Dos Equis is Bucking Beer Trends by Going Mobile – Ronald Urbach of Davis & Gilbert writing from New York on their Madison Ave… [read post]
24 Mar 2023, 4:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal As Chatbots Spread, Conservatives Dream About a Right-Wing Response DNyuz – Stuart Thompson, Tiffany Hsu, and Steven Lee Myers (New York Times) | Published: 3/20/2023 Artificial intelligence has become another front in the political and cultural wars in the U.S. and other countries. [read post]
8 Apr 2008, 4:30 pm
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: John Bolch, UK-based family lawyer and author of the blog Family Lore [4.1.08] Stuart Buck, attorney with Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel PLLC and author of the blog The Buck Stops Here [3.27.08] Monica Bay, editor-in-chief of Law Technology News and author of the blog The Common Scold [3.26.08] Mary Flood, reporter for the Houston Chronicle and author of the blog Legal Trade [3.24.08] Hugh Hewitt,… [read post]
10 Apr 2008, 5:41 pm
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Robert Scoble, video blogger for Fast Company.TV and author of the technology blog Scobleizer [3.8.08] John Bolch, UK-based family lawyer and author of the blog Family Lore [4.1.08] Stuart Buck, attorney with Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel PLLC and author of the blog The Buck Stops Here [3.27.08] Monica Bay, editor-in-chief of Law Technology News and author of the blog The Common Scold [3.26.08] Mary… [read post]
1 Apr 2008, 12:38 pm
Recent LexBlog Q & A posts: Stuart Buck, attorney with Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel PLLC and author of the blog The Buck Stops Here [3.27.08] Monica Bay, editor-in-chief of Law Technology News and author of the blog The Common Scold [3.26.08] Mary Flood, reporter for the Houston Chronicle and author of the blog Legal Trade [3.24.08] Hugh Hewitt, executive editor of and author of the blog at [3.18.08] … [read post]
15 Jan 2007, 9:20 am
And those overly sympathetic juries Newsweek derides as so eager to dole out big bucks to injured victims? [read post]
19 Jan 2010, 10:04 am by Lawyer Sanders
Based on EPA statistics, here are the top 25 utility generators of CCW in the US: Stanton Energy Center; Orlando, FL Sherburne County Generating Plant; Becker, MN Coal Creek Station; Underwood, ND Scherer Steam Electric Plant; Juliette, GA Detroit Edison Monroe Power Plant; Monroe, MI Gibson Generating Station; Owensville, IN Gorgas Steam Plant; Parrish, AL Cholla Power Plant; Joseph City, AZ Wansley Steam Plant; Roopville, GA Kentucky Utilities Ghent Station; Ghent, KY J.M Stuart Station;… [read post]
15 Jan 2007, 8:20 am
And those overly sympathetic juries Newsweek derides as so eager to dole out big bucks to injured victims? [read post]