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11 Jan 2020, 4:49 am by SHG
That’s a question for twitter, as twitter is a private company and can terminate the account any damn time it wants, like it does with anyone who twits that biology distinguishes sexes. [read post]
24 Dec 2019, 4:33 am by SHG
Sure, there are big cases with devastating damages and injuries that warrant a federal suit under §1983, but as a series of twits got Clark’s juices boiling, there are a million, a billion, trivial constitutional violations that happen and disappear for lack of anything to do about it. [read post]
22 Dec 2019, 4:02 am by SHG
The twit that’s caused a million woke heads to explode in outrage was directed toward the firing of a woman for not toeing the transgender line. [read post]
20 Dec 2019, 3:28 am by SHG
Yet Rowlings’ twit has gone round the world a few times while this story has barely gotten off the subway. [read post]
15 Dec 2019, 3:31 am by SHG
Garner’s twit will likely not reach many people who wear MAGA hats, as his world is law and academia. [read post]
25 Nov 2019, 4:08 am by SHG
What could he have possibly twitted to evoke such a strong condemnation? [read post]
14 Nov 2019, 4:28 am by SHG
To his credit, Closson twitted that all criticism should be directed at him, as editor-in-chief, reflecting at least his fortitude in taking responsibility for his position. [read post]
10 Nov 2019, 4:36 am by SHG
The churro woman was eventually given a summons and released, but that isn’t the end for Newman, whose twits generated enough interest to get a New York Post article. [read post]
28 Oct 2019, 4:10 am by SHG
In response to the surgeon’s twit, the question was posted as to what to do and who would do it. [read post]
25 Oct 2019, 4:18 am by Chris Seaton
Instead of actually reporting on the news or, heaven forbid, reporting facts and then offering an opinion, most American media personalities have so terminal a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome they either stroke out or foam at the mouth every time the Cheeto-in-Chief twits from his gold-plated shitter. [read post]
25 Oct 2019, 3:44 am by SHG
After all, had he twitted “hate speech should die,” it would have been too obvious. [read post]
20 Oct 2019, 5:02 am by SHG
It’s certainly true that older people vote rather than just twit their most passionate appeals. [read post]
18 Oct 2019, 11:34 am by Anthony Zaller
  The bill defines “protective hairstyles” as “braids, locks, and twits. [read post]
13 Oct 2019, 3:45 am by SHG
Lee Merritt, the Gloria Allred of Michael Aventattis, twitted that she was playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew, which doesn’t help nearly as much as he apparently thinks it does. [read post]
8 Oct 2019, 3:36 am by SHG
Goldberg’s twit is inexcusable. [read post]
1 Oct 2019, 3:14 am by SHG
It was a twit from 2014, which means someone went digging to find dirt on Omooba. [read post]
30 Sep 2019, 3:46 am by SHG
In a twit of astounding narcissism and hubris, the president of the United State suggested that if he’s impeached, there could be a problem. [read post]